Lead me in the right direction (9)

1 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-19 15:49 ID:z8FBlGb9

I'm on the road a lot and I'd like to improve my time usage.
What I'd like to do is setup a system that'll:

  • periodically read torrent rss feeds.
  • when an rss feed gets updated, a symbolic(? that right) link will be created on a webpage on my home pc.
  • if I access this page, via html or wap, I'll be able to select which torrents my home pc should download.
  • upon selection, my pc would immedietly start downloading the torrent.
  • torrent details should also update and be displayed via the webpage.

In no way am I asking for anyone to code this for me. I'd just like some suggestions of what already existing apps I should look into. Also this wouldn't be limited to a single computer.

2 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-19 21:32 ID:9jilVO9G

Azureus has the abitility (Via a plugin) to read torrents from an rss feed (I think the plugin auto-starts all torrents it gets, but I haven't tried out said plugin yet), plus it has statistic export features and a java web ui.
Those things may not be optimal for you, but this could be a good starting point. If you know java (and want to use azureus), you could probably modify the rss-plugin to suit your needs.

3 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-20 11:53 ID:Heaven

> Lead me in the right direction

First step: Make a descriptive title for your thread so people will know what it's about and will be able to find it later.

4 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-10-20 13:28 ID:Heaven

Can you program any scripting languages? E.g., Perl? And what environment are you expecting this to run in?

5 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-21 14:41 ID:z8FBlGb9

Can I program? yes. There's a few languages i haven't touched on yet(Ruby, Python) but I wouldn't mind learning them for this.
I'd be running this on a unix environment. I'd probably get everything up and running under OSX first then optimize it to run under a Linksys NSLU2. http://www.nslu2-linux.org/

6 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-10-21 15:24 ID:Heaven

Well, the only thing I can really suggest is rolling your own. Something like this:

  • a script called by crond every hour that runs wget on the RSS feeds, and then diffs against old RSS. Appends any new results in new-rss.txt
  • a script that that serves up a dynamic web page. When it runs (called by apache), it checks and cleans new-rss.txt.
  • another script that's called from a link in the above webpage. When called it fires up btdownload*.py.

Quite the hack, but it shouldn't take more than an evening. It might not be worth the time though.

7 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-10-21 15:27 ID:Heaven

> When it runs (called by http daemon),


8 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-22 23:22 ID:z8FBlGb9

kk I'll give it a go.
something temporary but it'll do the job.

9 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-11-13 17:31 ID:cSxSfTfJ

Having btlaunchmany.py running on a directory might be easier because it always automatically loads new torrents, then just wget the torrents in that dir (saves you from having to manage each separate torrent).

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