AI... or atleast as far as my brain goes (10)

1 Name: SWG 2005-10-28 20:17 ID:7Fbe4/Hw

Well, randomly, one day, outta nowhere, I thought it would be fun to digitize my brain. Obviously this is impossible, but at the very least I can create functions and methods based on my brain functions. So I built this JavaScript thingy... Yeah, probably would never get actually used for anything, but whatever, just thought it would be fun.....

So now I’m posting it here and asking anyone (who feels like it) to add to the code, or maybe just make your own version. Just kinda curious what other people’s minds are like, and what other fancy things of code can be scratched up...

	function IsDoable(PersonObj)
//General preference (primary blocks)
if ( == "male") { return false; }
if (PersonObj.age < 11 || PersonObj.age > 30) { return false; }
if (PersonObj.IsAsian == false) { return false; } // ~WORD!~

var DoablePoints = 0;

//Bust size watch
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "A") { DoablePoints = DoablePoints + 1; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "B") { DoablePoints = DoablePoints + 5; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "C") { DoablePoints = DoablePoints + 10; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "D") { DoablePoints = DoablePoints + 20; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "E") { DoablePoints = DoablePoints + 40; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "F") { return true; return true; return true; return true; return true; }
if (PersonObj.CupSize = "f") { return true; return true; return true; return true; return true; }

//Smartness watch
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 120 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 110) { DoablePoints += 5; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 110 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 100) { DoablePoints += 10; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 100 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 90) { DoablePoints += 20; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 90 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 80) { DoablePoints += 25; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 80 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 70) { DoablePoints += 10; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 70 && PersonObj.SmartnessIQ > 50) { DoablePoints -= 10; }
if (PersonObj.SmartnessIQ < 50) { return false; }

3-sizes measurement - here we will average the top and bottom sizes, and take that result number, and them compare it with the middle size
This number created from comparison will be a percentage or basically:

Avg12Nbr = (Size1 + Size3) / 2 //Get the average of size one and three
FileNbr = Size2 / Avg12Nbr

So if FileNbr = 0; then the person is shaped like an hour-glass
if MidPrcnt > Avg12Nbr, the fatness of the person exceeds the bust and hip/waist sections

//Mid-section watch
var Avg12Nbr = (PersonObj.ThreeSizes.Size1 + PersonObj.ThreeSizes.Size3) / 2;
var MidPrcnt = PersonObj.ThreeSizes.Size2 / Avg12Nbr;

if (MidPrcnt == 1.00) { return false; } // No tubes =_=
if (MidPrcnt > Avg12Nbr) { return false; } // that would be.... scary :S
if (MidPrcnt == 0) { return false; } // Is that even possible? o.o
if (MidPrcnt < 0.50) { return false; } // Don't think it's possible... but just in case

//Grade - based on if true between values
if (0.70 > MidPrcnt && MidPrcnt < 0.65) { DoablePoints += 10; }
if (0.75 > MidPrcnt && MidPrcnt < 0.70) { DoablePoints += 15; }
if (0.80 > MidPrcnt && MidPrcnt < 0.75) { DoablePoints += 10; }
if (0.85 > MidPrcnt && MidPrcnt < 0.80) { DoablePoints += 8; }
if (0.90 > MidPrcnt && MidPrcnt < 0.85) { DoablePoints += 5; }

//Return result
if (DoablePoints > 55)
return true;
} else {
return false;


2 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-10-28 20:36 ID:KZx+VkYW

you forgot


3 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-10-29 14:31 ID:eFGjeiDJ

Holy fuck. I've seen some pathetic shit on 4-ch and Waka/iichan, but this… I am in awe at the level of destitution here. Truly incredible. Congrats, >>1.

4 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-10-29 14:39 ID:Heaven

Also, it's great that you'll consider a twelve-year-old "doable." That's totally awesome.

5 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-10-29 17:46 ID:Heaven

Hey, it's amusing. Not exactly my tastes though...

BTW, brains > bust

6 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2005-10-30 21:39 ID:Heaven

Somewhat amusing.

Though, I agree with >>5

7 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-11-02 19:47 ID:IpDmm5dj

What's wrong with loli?

>>1, have you taken a psych class? I'm shocked that you know about the ideal .7 ratio for female bodies.

8 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-11-03 19:27 ID:AJ+mVnt6

my code
#include <iostream>

Int main () {
Int look;
Int food;
cin >> look;
if (look == food)
cout << "mmmm";
cin >> food;

9 Name: Uru 2005-11-04 06:27 ID:rtOrEHvU

>>1, you have a bug in your code...If you saw a really fat girl with F-cup breasts, it would return true. Also, there are no checks on the beauty of her face...

If you were making AI, your robots would soon be killing us all over little programming mistakes like this.

10 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-11-05 04:52 ID:u5Qa6rXN

shoot '>>1', 'face' while 1;

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