Largest program you've worked on? (32)

7 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-12-09 22:04 ID:aMiG0ax4

My work consists of maintaining and extending pretty big ball of mud AKA business solution. There is more than 200 SQL tables and around 200 SQL procedures and functions, most procedures are more than 100 LOC long and few have around 1k LOC, also there is something like 400 files with ASP / C# / ECMAScript, although most of them are copy-paste code from other files and broken HTML.

My personal largest project is nice and simple web journal written in Ruby, no data base, no shit, just 84 lines of code ( LOL ), but it is very extensible, so I have few hundreds of LOC in various plugins ( comments, calendar, searching, subversion log, etc. ). In total it looks like this:
$ wc -l memex.rb plug/* tmpl/* css/* | grep total
923 total

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