[NEWBIE] Help me learn to program in python [BAD AT PROGRAMMING] (6)

1 Name: !pLjHMi52eI 2005-12-13 04:22 ID:Ev6CHji6

I need to improve my programming techniques, so can you all suggest ideas for small, simple programs so that I can write them.
I'm going to use python on my windows box.

Also, if it's possible, can you link to a guide to help me learn? Thanks.

2 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-12-13 07:25 ID:Nc+CRcBh

3 Name: !pLjHMi52eI 2005-12-13 09:39 ID:Ev6CHji6

Woah, win.

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-12-13 12:32 ID:txooHuSS

If you're going to be using Python, get the pygame library so you can write graphics and game code. I always found programming a lot more satisfying if I could make stuff that moves around on the screen.

5 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-12-13 20:28 ID:Heaven


Holy wow!

6 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-12-14 01:04 ID:Heaven

Also >>2's title just begs for a zinger, but I'm not feeling mean enough.

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