Tail recursion (87)

18 Name: #!/usr/bin/anon 2006-02-24 19:25 ID:Gi6DzwCb

Functional programming languages don't insist that. Common Lisp has its loop macro, Scheme has iterative "do" syntax, and in Haskell the way you'd define factorial in practice is

fac n = product [1..n]

although you can do it iteratively too, if you must:

fac n = result (for init next done)
where init = (0,1)
next (i,m) = (i+1, m * (i+1))
done (i,_) = i==n
result (_,m) = m
for i n d = until d n i

Iteration is available in all these languages. It's just not the best tool for the job as often as you'd think.

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