Hi, I am having trouble on waka on making the password for adminastrator and i want to admin my own board on freakachan.
use constant S_NOADMIN => 'No ADMIN_PASS or NUKE_PASS defined in the configuration'; # Returns error when the config is incomplete
use constant S_NOSECRET => 'No SECRET defined in the configuration'; # Returns error when the config is incomplete
use constant S_NOSQL => 'No SQL settings defined in the configuration'; # Returns error when the config is incomplete
die S_NOADMIN unless(defined &ADMIN_PASS);
die S_NOADMIN unless(defined &NUKE_PASS);
die S_NOSECRET unless(defined &SECRET);
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_DBI_SOURCE);
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_USERNAME);
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_PASSWORD);
I don't know what to do. If anyone can help me out and point out the problem. I would be very greatful.
Why do you want to make another general purpose imageboard when there is no reason for it to exist.
Becuase I want to make one for my website www.freakanimes.headtrash.net so peoplecan have fun and talk ect. =P
Make an IRC channel then. Or a phpBB.
When you make a user-based website (message board, imageboard, etc), you should consider why users would go to your website instead of myriad others like it. If you can't think of any good reasons, you probably shouldn't bother making the website.
I made it becuase I wanted too and I been wanting to make one for such a long time now. thats just like asking all the other image boards that question. I'm just asking for some help is all. Not sum off topic questions.
Well, you can start by posting on the correct board.
http://tinyurl.com/yz2krk <- this is probably what you want to change
does it have to say noadmin on it? or do i change that?
die S_NOADMIN unless(defined &ADMIN_PASS)'';
die S_NOADMIN unless(defined &NUKE_PASS)'';
die S_NOSECRET unless(defined &SECRET)'';
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_DBI_SOURCE);
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_USERNAME);
die S_NOSQL unless(defined &SQL_PASSWORD);
#use constant ADMIN_PASS => 'CHANGEME';
use constant ADMIN_PASS => 'myFavoritePAssword';
and the S_NOADMIN you pasted there will simply be ignored by kareha, because you'll have an admin pass. Notice that I removed the # to uncomment the line.
You'll also have to change the use constant SECRET or kareha will die on that too.
ehh i must be doing it wrong becuase when I enter my password in it tells me
Error: Management password incorrect
lol i dunno then
This is not a program support board. It is a programming board.
You were already given the link to the proper board, so let this thread die.
LOL, he didn't move anything from the "mode message" or "mode image" folders into the main directory.