09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
The code for cracking HD-DVDs, Thats all you need to know for now. More details here:
Spread the word. Buy T-Shirts. Screw them all. It's public domain now.
Stop spilling your digg drama in here, please. We've all seen it already. It's over, it's donde.
>>2 Fucking seconded.
Nobody gives a shit, really.
Yes, there is too much internet in here.
Now why can't they crack SACD? Apart from the fact that nobody cares about SACD, of course.
Because nobody cares about SACD
Well, if Audophiles actually counted, then yes, somebody cares about SACD.
That's a big if! Anyway, DVD-A is rippable, at least through cracks to licensed DVD-A players for Windows if nothing else. I suspect that this might give DVD-A an advantage over SACD, unless both formats just fizzle out, which is possible too.