Learning how to program (23, permasaged)

15 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-08-21 07:12 ID:1dSyuY9L

Yeah and tell a newbie that char buffer[] is not the same with char *buffer and then explain to him pointer arithmetic and the use of void pointers, typecasting, expressions and the tern. operator, about addressof/sizeof and structs being arrays in memory
Then tell him that the standard datatypes char,int,float,double can have any value and size depending from millions of things, explain him about c89 c99 POSIX preprocessor libraries stack heap dynamic memory allocation buffer overflows floating point high/low bit order signedness bitwise operators etc etc
Then explain him how to use gcc optimization warnings standards architecture cross compilation -O3 considered harmful blablabla

A newbie just by reading my post would get a headache; imagine actually learning it.

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