ITT We post our practical and USEFUL creations.
I wrote a program that adapts rzip to pipe-mode compression. It reads data from stdin, dumps it to a temporary file in a directory given by either TMPDIR or RZIPTMPDIR (because /tmp might not be enough), runs rzip on it and spews the output forth.
It was useful for compressing spam for a while, but then I discovered 7zip and found that rzip gets completely owned in both compression speed and effectiveness. 7zip also makes use of multiple hardware threads, which is nice these days.
My first useful "application": it could inflate executables and stuff datafiles with useless crap without affecting the operation of the victim application. Pick a desired size and compression level, and off it'd go.
Now, what possible use could a person have for a program like that? Well, see, as a kid only BBS's were available in my area, and all of them had download ratios...
I wrote a Befunge interpreter.
I made a small app in C# that analyzed multiple Exact Audio Copy log files to make sure they met certain standards. Yeah, that's about it.
I coded a net-radio backend with an IRC interface a while back; think I posted about it here. Said net radio is now down.
I'm currently working on a simple framework for shooting games.
Please reconsider using autopackage. Its design contains several serious and irreparable flaws that lead to its being entirely outside recommendation for anything at all.
In a nutshell, use of autopackage is nothing short of a threat to system integrity in every sense of the expression.
Out of curiosity, why did you decide to keep FreeEMS?
An IRC bot with some mildly useful functions, and a mill managment app (together with someone else).
Most of my useful stuff is mainly for me and wouldn't be that useful to most of "you guys" out "there". That said,
I wrote a blog engine in PHP (bash me ;), a Brainfuck interpreter in C, and a sticky-notes like application in C/GTK.
There are other things, but are mostly old/uninteresting stuff, simple shell scripts, or projects I will never ever be able to complete.
I wrote "Hello World"
[i]I[/i] wrote "Hello World". Don't try to claim credit for yourself.