Web Framework (97)

51 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-06 15:41 ID:vwnO7WC3

> The whole complaint about <tables> and unicode is stupid. The programmer doesn't deal with either of those things in arc. The fact that the programmer has to deal with those things in other languages points out what's stupid about those languages, and isn't infact exposing anything about arc.

This was the original claim made. I still haven't seen anything even remotely resembling a justification for this.

All I've seen is some kind of claim that because implementing Unicode is hard, we should all just use byte arrays like we were coding in C. That doesn't really seem like "the programmer doesn't deal with these things", it seems like "the programmer has to implement these things from scratch again and again" or "the programmer has to use clumsy libraries to deal with these things".

That hardly seems like a good choice for an language for "exploratory programming".

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