Web Framework (97)

90 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-19 19:57 ID:Heaven

> Oh, okay, so because every language designer thinks cat should complain about poorly coded text files, you think so as well?

Nobody thinks that outside of your head. Please don't insult our intelligence with such utterly ridiculous strawman arguments. Seriously.

> This obviously isn't solved.

It may not be solved, but you're saying we should stop even trying to solve it, and just suffer on with the solutions we used to have, which were much, much worse.

All you're doing is picking on problems other languages have, but not offering anything that isn't many times worse. Pretty much everybody would much rather have those problems than suffer under the horrible inflexibility you seem to think is preferable.


Is an application, not a programming language. Also, nobody has said that you can't write internationalized code in C. We are saying that it is much more work than in a language designed to handle this properly. And even so GNOME only needs to use a single character set, instead of a multitude of them.

> i18n and localization is quite a bit better in C than it is in all these "new languages" being made by these language designers you keep talking about.

Find a single real programmer who agrees with you on that, and perhaps I will take you seriously.

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