Code bounty (10)

1 Name: Storlek!desu/4y/Xg : 2008-01-24 23:44 ID:Yc+wG4KF

If anyone here is interested, I'm running a $50 code bounty to add multi-channel disk writing to Schism Tracker. The code should put a "Multi" button on the save-song page which, when selected, renders a separate .wav file to disk in the selected directory for each active channel in the song, for further manipulation on a per-channel basis. This amounts to a possible quick $50 if you can write C/C++ (most of the code is C, but the player is derived from Modplug which is C++) and have a little spare time.

2 Name: xplat : 2008-01-28 21:01 ID:uQK0jksl

if you're serious I'll do it. please contact me at james googlyeye place speck org. (hopefully you can figure that out and harvesters can't, i get enough spam!)

3 Post deleted.

4 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-24 03:44 ID:Heaven


>hopefully you can figure that out and harvesters can't, i get enough spam!

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-24 07:28 ID:Heaven

I think some mod should delete >>3

7 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-24 17:18 ID:Heaven


Sure, I guess, but really, in this day and age one more mention of your email address on the web is not really going to make much of a difference. Keep those spam filters working.

8 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-26 17:23 ID:Heaven


9 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-28 19:11 ID:Dce8zaQH


10 Name: sage goes in every field : 2008-02-29 19:04 ID:Heaven

sage goes in every field

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