Recursive Functions (58)

34 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-09-23 03:00 ID:cDy9us1s


Most C/C++ compilers that implement some kind of tail-call optimization (TCO) will refuse to do it for a large number of cases, including some of these:

  • Taking the address-of a stack allocated variable (using &)
  • If you use alloca() (or a C99-variable-sized array)
  • If you use setjmp() or exceptions
  • If you're using Visual C/C++ version 8.1 or earlier
  • If your tail call crosses a module boundary
  • If the number of arguments changes (sometimes!)
  • If it's an indirect function call
  • If any of the types change the ABI needed (int->float, etc)

It's funny: The same people who worry about stack smashing are the same people who try and recover when malloc() returns NULL.

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