Recursive Functions (58)

42 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-09-24 12:37 ID:Heaven

God dammit you fucking blockhead fucking shit fuck.
First, I'm not >>40. I'm the other guy swearing. Anyway, God dammit baz is relevant because you fucking call it in your code you fucking shit fuck.
the fuckin definition is not provided. Instead you provide the definition of bar.

> There is however, such a thing as a "stack allocated variable" in gcc.


Look, you suck. I'm a C cognoscente and I don't expect anyone who disagrees with me to be correct.

> Not all good implementations implement tail call (elimination) in every possible case- or even every obviously possible case.

I have explained why those cases that seem obvious, are NOT cases where tail-call optimization can be applied.
It's because of semantic minutiae, apparently lying in that knowledge lacuna of yours.

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