left-margin + ems (10)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-24 01:56 ID:rpyMXtGJ

hey anons, just trying to solve a should-be simple problem
of dimensioning in css. i'm leaning away from coding 'div
soup' html for not-too-complex sites in favor of (x)html's
built in semantics. this should be easy:




<span>news entry</span>
this is a news entry. blo blo blo about my site.

i'm trying to make h3 and p have an equal left-margin/padding
without using px or %. i want to use ems but the problem is
they're relative to whatever element they are targeting. for

h3,p {margin-left:3em}

..one will be pushed far to the right than the other. is there
any way to negate this relativity so that they both align
equally? i would like to know if this is possible without
nesting it any more html.
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