picture looping on e-mail sigs (9)

1 Name: >>7 : 2008-04-24 18:56 ID:lTNtqhRQ

My client want to have a function on her Yahoo! Mail account that would allow each of her receivers to view a random picture of her Real Estate services. I write web pages on hard HTML and CSS coding and I know a little bit of Java/Javascript. Do any of you know how to write a code that can perform this feature?

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-24 20:27 ID:SUx8I2/v

>want to have a function on her Yahoo! Mail account

Can you edit Yahoo.com?

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-24 21:16 ID:Heaven


Clarify a little. Do you want it so when your client sends an email, there's a random image attached to it?

4 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-25 21:53 ID:WWZj9Dk/

Put something like <img src="http://yourdomain.com/random.jpg"> in her signature, and then make random.jpg a server-side script that spits out a random picture with appropriate Content-Type header, etc.

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-25 22:25 ID:Heaven

Which won't work in most non-retarded e-mail clients for security reasons. At best you'll end up with a button to click to load linked images, at worst, paranoid people who delete the message in irrational fear that it's a virus or something.

Not to mention this is a silly idea to begin with.

6 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-26 05:28 ID:Heaven

No, but you can easily write a GreaseMonkey script to locally alter any page to look however the fuck you want it.

If the client's email viewer doesn't support images, then she's shit out of luck. If the viewer does support images, then the solution in >>4 is ideal. The browser cannot detect whether or not the image is being served statically or dynamically (save for a few headers which can themselves be suppressed.)

I do agree that it's a retarded idea, but if someone wants to give me money for an easily implemented retarded idea I'm all for it. And this is such.

7 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-26 07:10 ID:Heaven

Actually it's the proper way to do it. Moreover, email clients cannot detect whether it is actually an image or a PHP script as this requires access to the server.

8 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-26 12:21 ID:Heaven

My statement has nothing to do with whether the client supports images or what it does with the headers: it's a matter of whether it's even going to load the image in the first place. Sane e-mail clients with moderately secure settings simply won't fetch images off the net at all, or at least not without explicit approval from the user, because doing so reveals to the sender that the e-mail address received the message. This can be a security risk; whether the image is actually a script or not is irrelevant.

9 Name: >>7 : 2008-04-30 03:07 ID:6OTHJYqq

can it work if she has a ISP-provided e-mail address (i.e. Roadrunner, Verizon, etc.)?

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