Free Software (68)

11 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-06-06 11:56 ID:Heaven

The big idea of GPL:
Call your software "free" so stupid commercial developers will re-use your code in closed-source products. Then Richard's lawyers give you a nice call, "GPL your product or hand over the cash".
Then you badmouth people using the MIT/BSD licenses for being "less free" as they are not viral (which means that you can include BSD-licensed code in a commercial product).

RMS loves to play with words to deceive. For example he tells you to modify the meaning of the acronyms used by your opponents (without specifying that you changed the meaning).
Most nerds may be sympathetic to many of his goals, but his frequent dick moves such as this example means that he is a major douche.

tl;dr: let's all start calling GPL the "GNAA Prohibitive License".

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