Free Software (68)

27 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-06-09 13:44 ID:dqrTFHJN

Companies promote "Digital Rights Management" as a way to give the consumer a better experience or more features. Most materials make it sound like it's all about giving the consumer more rights, and not taking them away.

By rejecting their definition and substituting a more useful and meaningful one, he's fighting deception, not producing it.

You see, consumers already have the right to use content on whatever hardware or media they like. This has long been established by the courts and content-owners have already failed to make laws restricting it outright. DRM does nothing but allow content-owners to restrict that right, and it does it by skirting the legal landscape, and by tricking the consumer into believing they don't actually have any rights.

What sensible and well-spoken advocate are you thinking of?

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