Recommended in /req/, this little Greasemonkey script will add a collapsible navigation menu on every board and thread page. This is intended for people who don't like to use the frame for navigation.
Distributed on a "works for me" basis. I only know enough Javascript to do small hacks like this so I won't add other features myself. Use this thread to report issues or success.
Changing the line
var css = '#greasemonkeymenu { position: absolute; z-index: 9001; right:0px;}' +
var css = '#greasemonkeymenu { position: fixed; z-index: 9001; right:0px;}' +
will do the trick
Forgot to mention, to edit the script:
Tools > Greasemonkey > Choose the script > Edit
Sorry, like I said, I don't really know my way around greasemonkey and javascript, so it'd be a lot of work for me. Wouldn't be enough for that?
Also, can someone using Windows confirm that the fonts of the menu are reasonably sized?