C vs C++ vs Lisp (156)

35 Name: 20 : 2008-07-10 09:15 ID:wStLV0uC

So it's actually what I asked for, typeof().
Though what you ask for is only part of what I ask for, not only that, but what you ask for is almost useless.

> This is why the standard library should be revamped: let's make something like bstring the standard and chuck out the current mess of fail.

I disagree. bstring for ME and MY projects is bloat. Do you honestly think bstring can run efficiently without you noticing in a embedded system? Where most of C programming is now?

> UTF-8. Now let's say I want to index or concatenate that. Whoops.

I think you lack C skills. what the hell are you talking about?
man wcscat.
You can use [] to index.

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