issue with installing Kahera (9)

1 Name: Zach D : 2009-01-15 05:24 ID:cr6uzqom

So I am trying to install it on and when I uploaded all the files manualy... Hell, I even made the directories and such! but as soon as I go to it says 403.. couldn't load cause there isn't a index.htm file.. Help?

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-01-15 06:26 ID:Pk2cSR0a

Does it have Perl support?

3 Name: Zach D : 2009-01-15 07:53 ID:cr6uzqom

Crap, no. XP
Do you know of any hosts that have support and that are along the lines not so expensive?

4 Name: Zach D : 2009-01-15 08:01 ID:cr6uzqom

Also, is CGI-BIN support basicly Perl?

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-01-15 08:58 ID:Heaven

  1. It's Kareha, not Kahera.
  2. Don't use crappy free hosts, because you get what you pay for.
  3. /code/ isn't a support board for imageboard installations, but is, and even has a thread for Wakaba and Kareha -- which, if you had gone there, you would have found the previous points have been discussed fairly well there, and would have answered all of your questions.
  4. Lastly, please for the sake of the internet, take some time to learn how web servers work, and especially what Perl, CGI, etc. are, lest you try to make a site with dynamic content, screw it up royally, and end up making another great proxy for Chinese spammers.

6 Name: Zach D : 2009-01-15 12:35 ID:cr6uzqom

haha, I said cheap, not free and I figured it out. XP all I need to know is how to make my Perl password cause when I go to the page it says that it needs to be made.... So yeah, telling me how do so would help XP

7 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-01-15 15:27 ID:Heaven

Stop saying XP god damnit

8 Name: Zach D : 2009-01-15 20:33 ID:cr6uzqom

Dman, oh well.

9 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-01-16 19:01 ID:snE9yNH6

Oh lord, I see the face instead of the letters now

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