polygonal stuff in HTML/CSS (3)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-05-05 02:27 ID:+aWmjee0

I dabble occasionally in HTML/CSS for my own amusement, though I'm certainly not an expert. and there's two particular and slightly related things i'm trying to work out.

first off i'm trying to do one of those corner banner things (like the "make poverty history" ones everyone had a while back) so i have the thing absolutely positioned in the top right, the image itself is a gif with transparency and i'm using an image map (which seems a little..oldschool to me, but still) to link only the actual banner area of the image.

but is there any way to make the stuff visible beneath the transparent areas of the image behave as it otherwise would if the image wasn't present? text selectable, links clickable and so forth. currently it just acts as if the whole rectangle is an image. ideally i'd like to only define the "image" as the actual polygonal shape that makes up the visible area. if that makes any sense.

secondly, and relatedly, is there any way to define a non-rectangular block to contain text? like |______\ shaped for the particular thing i'm trying to do.

so yeah. Basically i'm wondering if it's possible to have shit that isn't rectangular.

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-05-05 04:53 ID:rfM3RZzD


Take a look at this...it's complicated, but possible...

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-05-06 03:41 ID:Heaven

use svg. it's a lot easier.

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