Beginners programming (20)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-14 10:37 ID:CKCS1DOi

I'm sure you have seen this thread a million times, so once I get a satisfactory answer I will delete the thread.

What should the first language I learn be?
What program should I write it in?
What's the best compiler for the language you are advising me to try?
Should I do my work on Linux or Windows?
Best book, or site that will teach me the language?
Any other thoughts?

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-14 16:25 ID:Heaven

hello world
either one works
regardless of what some other people may advise, don't read sicp unless you are sexually aroused by calculus problems

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-14 17:17 ID:Heaven


The Sussman is very angry

4 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 04:31 ID:Heaven

Back to 4chan with your bad advice.

I don't think you can delete a thread after other people have posted in it. A hint for you: click "all threads" near the top, then search for 'learn' and read away. This topic has already been covered plenty enough and it's pointless to reiterate it all here again.

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 07:19 ID:jwiX+toL


6 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 07:22 ID:jwiX+toL


int main()

printf("Hello, world!\n");


7 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 14:07 ID:Heaven

> What should the first language I learn be?

Any, because it doesn't matter.

> What program should I write it in?

Any, for the same reason.

> What's the best compiler for the language you are advising me to try?

Is it important for your compiler to be the best compiler? You're only introducing vague criterions for compilers, naturally showing your ignorance on the matter, thus your question will remain unanswered until you've got a clear view of the concepts you handle (and I might add, quite bluntly), in your questions.

> Should I do my work on Linux or Windows?

Doesn't matter.

> Best book, or site that will teach me the language?

Books don't teach, teachers do and the only one available to you is yourself.

> Any other thoughts?

Just one: sage.

8 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 14:54 ID:CKCS1DOi

I have to say, you guys are the least helpful people ever.

9 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-15 17:15 ID:LCtKSlHv

10 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-18 09:32 ID:CKCS1DOi

I did, and they gave me probably the best advice I have heard. The rest of the posters here, feel bad that you are not VIP quality.

11 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-18 19:10 ID:LCtKSlHv


12 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-18 21:28 ID:Heaven

The only correct reply to OPs question is >>7
I'm glad to be on this board, really.

13 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-19 11:36 ID:LCtKSlHv

What about 2?

14 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-12-31 11:20 ID:l+BT8zQ7

Most schools nowadays start with Java for a programming language, mainly because it's relatively simple, is managed (basically means you can't shoot yourself in the food or fuck up so bad your machine will hang, the VM will catch errors and throw exceptions), has garbage collection (meaning you don't have to worry about memory management) and most importantly: the syntax is very similar to C.

Once you've got the hang of Java, it's only a small step to learn C/C++ and C#, as they are all very similar, but do things just a tad differently. Main thing you have to learn when changing from Java to C is working with pointers and memory management.

15 Name: Advice!HOXIp0gGW6 : 2010-01-08 02:37 ID:/vCVaxQV

start with whitespace and when you're ready you can write an ANSI C compiler in PHP.

16 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-02-06 02:15 ID:jfhTvlJC

I have to say this...
don't begin programming in Java. Why? It's way too much easy. Java is meant to develop programs in a fast, easy way because it has lots and lots of examples and tutorials and a very good documentation. But it is too much limited, if you know what i mean.

I should reccomend you to learn a lower level language, and then if you want, continue learning Java.

17 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-02-06 20:03 ID:Heaven

> It's way too much easy.

why is this a bad thing?

> But it is too much limited, if you know what i mean.

no, I don't know what you mean.

18 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-02-08 23:30 ID:6O+ZZ42j

I guess C/C++ => Dev C++.
It gives you a good grasp on programming in general, except OOP.

You might also want to experiment with web programming later on, starting with Javascript.

Frankly, I would recommend experimenting a little bit and then studying what you like, because the programming language really depends on what you are planning on writing in it.

19 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2010-02-09 00:07 ID:Heaven

Dev-C++ is dead albeit usable. Didn't everyone jump ship to Code::Blocks?

20 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-02-12 10:44 ID:jfhTvlJC

It is a bad thing because you get used to writing code without thinking too much, so you would find difficult to write code in languages that aren't so easy as Java. I think is better idea learning the hard way before the easy way, it's a manufacturing flaw xD.

Also, it is limited in the way you do things because almost all usual functions and libraries are already implemented, leaving you only two options: using what is already made or learning JNI.

I tried Code::Blocks and currently using it. I think it is a great IDE, but I think also that the graphic interface has some strange features (meaning that it could have more work on it).

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