Noob question about PHP (5)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-07-18 00:50 ID:7CnOSBWt

Don't know if this board is only about c++ and stuff, but if someone is bored please answer my question.

I'll be hosting an internet go tournament with 140 players.
The 140 players will be split into 10 leagues, 14 players each.
The 140 players are of different playing strenghts.
From each player, we know "name", "country" and "rank".

Since in go, "rank" is not a simply rising digit, something like "level" has to be used, too (1=9-dan, 9=1-dan, 10=1-kyu, 20= 11-kyu etc).

So what I want to do, is insert all the data into arrays?(I suppose) and have it be sorted by "level". The order of people with same "rank"(="level") would get randomed.

Now, with a list of 140 players organized by their rank, from best to worst, I want to form the leagues.

I have a predetermined list of which players go to which league, for example League 1 would get players #2, #20, #30, #35, #48, #56, #64, #75, #86, #91, #110, #111, #129, #134.
Doesn't need to be anything fancy, no tables or anything. Just simple echo with <br>'s between players is enough.
Should print something like "Country" "Player" "Rank" e.g.: <br>League X<br><img src="us.gif"> Player1 9-dan<br>Next player...

How do I do this?
I don't care if it's a lot of manual work to add players and all, but as long as it's ready I don't have to do everything again if I have to add/remove players or make corrections.

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-07-18 00:59 ID:7CnOSBWt

Would it be smarter to do this with MySql? I have no idea how that works, though.

3 Name: sage : 2010-07-18 21:41 ID:Heaven

Seems this is a dead board... Figured out a way to do this already, though.

4 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-07-25 02:11 ID:Heaven

> 2010-07-18
> 2010-07-18
> 2010-07-18
> Seems this is a dead board...

back to /b/, please.

5 Name: SchemeNoob : 2010-09-18 00:32 ID:HBWhshIi

;; Compiler procedures
(define-signature compiler^




;; Low-level extension compiler interface
(define-signature compiler:inner^

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