Unorthodox Scripting Language (10)

1 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-01 12:58 ID:NGNyAfxS

Please try my programming language. Read the blogspot to find the wiki, sourceforge, freshmeat, and github. I've been developing it since Januaray 21, 2011. I first released it May 22, 2011. It is written in C++ and under permanent development. Comment with any suggestions.

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2011-10-01 14:35 ID:e2F+RXF7

Looks quite novel and fun, though some of the syntax is odd. Particularly

> for 5 > 1

Wouldn't this always evaluate to true? And I don't understand what

> ;;


A few inconsistencies aside, I quite like the look of this and I wish you the best of luck! Do you have a working interpreter yet?

3 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-01 23:48 ID:NGNyAfxS

These are the working interpreters. 3.7.2 is the latest release but I'm working on 3.7.3 currently and about to release in a few hours or so.

Thank you for your kind comment, kind sir. "for 5 > 1" always evaluates to true and since it does, the code will be looped 4 times.

The ";;" symbol ends a "method", "thread", "object", or "template" object.

4 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-02 03:15 ID:NGNyAfxS

I have released 3.7.3. You can find the links to the interpreter at my blog. I give an example of the new features I have added.

5 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-03 05:40 ID:NGNyAfxS

I released 3.7.4, see the blog to see what I have changed and some examples. I also used my not so amazing HTML skills to highlight the syntax.

6 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-03 05:46 ID:NGNyAfxS

for 5 >= 1 (i);say "Iteration: ${i}";endfor
can be rewritten as:
for i in (5..1);say "Iteration: ${i}";endfor

I took out the ";;" keyword as it was conflicting. Now all methods, objects, templates, and threads (Win32) are ended with the "end" keyword. That way I can use ";" as a code separator.

7 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-10-12 20:38 ID:NGNyAfxS

I have released 3.7.5. It updates the list objects and fixes comments. To see examples visit:

MediaWiki, SourceForge, FreshMeat, GitHub, GoogleCode, and MediaFire is listed at the end of my latest post.

8 Name: iconclazt : 2011-10-19 05:21 ID:NGNyAfxS

Released 3.7.7. I have also written a usl-doc for those wanting documentation.

9 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-11-05 09:12 ID:NGNyAfxS

Released 3.8.0.

10 Name: iconoclazt : 2011-11-20 12:48 ID:NGNyAfxS

3.8.3 released. Mac, Linux, and Windows binaries at the blog as well as release information and updated documentation.

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