peepee (170)

1 Name: Augustus Drennerdale 2004-12-05 05:23 ID:83KfXrtA [Del]

At the end of this message, you are asked a question.

Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it.

Just say the first thing that pops into your mind.

This is a fun "test"... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give
it a try, then e-mail it around (including back to me) and you'll
see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you.

Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the
2%. You'll understand what that means after you finish taking the

Now... just follow the instructions as quickly as possible.

Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the
previous one..

You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it
using your mind.

You'll be surprised.


How much is:

15 + 6

3 + 56

89 + 21

12 + 53

75 + 26

25 + 52

63 + 32

2 Name: Augustus Drennerdale 2004-12-05 05:24 ID:83KfXrtA [Del]

I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over..

Come on, one more...

123 + 5


Scroll further to the bottom....

A bit more...

You just thought about a red hammer, didn't you?

If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of people who have a
different, if not abnormal, mind.

98% of the folks would answer a red hammer while doing this

If you do not believe this, pass it around and you'll see.

Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the
2% and send to everyone, including the person that sent it to you.

My guess was "green monkey wrench." FUCK YOU INTERNET.

3 Name: John Publingstone 2004-12-05 05:45 ID:tOMDsEvQ [Del]

I was half right... Wrong hue.

4 Name: Clara Gaffingdeck 2004-12-05 09:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

I thought about a pink vagina. Pretty close, though.

5 Name: Doris Sommlehere 2004-12-05 18:21 ID:djv7pv3Q [Del]

I just went WTF

6 Name: John Neblingbury 2004-12-05 18:30 ID:Heaven [Del]

Blue Screwdriver. >_>

7 Name: James Senderhall 2004-12-05 20:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


8 Name: jjjjjjj 2004-12-05 20:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

When I was 4th grade in elementary school, firecracker was all the rage.
We used to test each brabeness by fireing them on each one's palm, or
exploding within one's fingers.
On such days, #2 tested it. Exploded it on his penis. And it sucseeded.
Seeing that, #1 tryed fireing two firecrackers within his penis's skin.
With big exploding sound, some red pieces splashed...
And we found #1's groaning, sitting on the ground.
Everybody gathered to him what's happened, to look at where #1 was covering with his hands,
fastner of pants was smeared with blood, and we could see something like #1's former-penis,
which streaming his blood.
Everyone fritened, and run away, leaving #1 there.

9 Name: Molly Cabblegold 2004-12-05 21:13 ID:Heaven [Del]



When I was 4th grade in elementary school, firecracker was all the rage.
We used to test each brabeness by fireing them on each one's palm, or
exploding within one's fingers.
On such days, >>2 tested it. Exploded it on his penis. And it sucseeded.
Seeing that, >>1 tryed fireing two firecrackers within his penis's skin.
With big exploding sound, some red pieces splashed...
And we found >>1's groaning, sitting on the ground.
Everybody gathered to him what's happened, to look at where >>1 was covering with his hands,
fastner of pants was smeared with blood, and we could see something like >>1's former-penis,
which streaming his blood.
Everyone fritened, and run away, leaving #1 there.

10 Name: will 2004-12-05 21:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't freaking get it ????? I answered the damn equations , so?

11 Name: Barnaby Worthingford 2004-12-05 22:12 ID:lEJ+ce+w [Del]


Here's another one.

Do these math problems.






Think of a vegetable.


12 Name: Lydia Clurringlock 2004-12-05 22:52 ID:IA03XaXA [Del]

usagi <3

13 Name: John Neblingbury 2004-12-05 23:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

I think it's trying to get you used to giving 'logical' answers, so you'll give the most generic/familiar words at the end.

But maybe hardened internet citizens who are used to being confronted with bullshit and advertising (and goatse) will have developed some degree of mental filters that are more resistant to having their responses manipulated?

14 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4360 17:36 [no]

I thought about black and... the band Tool.


15 Name: !DTOdHEQ6Fw 1993-09-4403 02:10 [no]


16 Name: !!tvnZhvZT 1993-09-4403 02:10 [no]


17 Name: !!Ix+SqgsI 1993-09-4403 02:10 [no]

dont mind me

18 Name: !!6aknABsy 1993-09-4403 02:10 [no]

looking for a good tripcode

19 Name: !!MdVRwXmW 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

20 Name: !!69UPWtA1 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

21 Name: !!9A1CshWT 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

22 Name: !!wwvGMx3D 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

23 Name: !!O6Wmp/+I 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

24 Name: !!EGu2gmqs 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

25 Name: !!dE/c4WNj 1993-09-4403 02:11 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

26 Name: !!BaB6fgm3 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

27 Name: !!S/xbvU8y 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

28 Name: !!0ANlS12Q 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

29 Name: !!qUylAXDm 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

30 Name: !!fGQOdtOV 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

31 Name: !!T/nS7xCb 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

32 Name: !!rEXO7oqQ 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

33 Name: !!HKKg9v89 1993-09-4403 02:12 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

34 Name: !!pxANsSst 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

35 Name: !!HdsHxv5d 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

36 Name: !!5PWAmDCP 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

37 Name: !!k+MnxlXS 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

38 Name: !!H3ZnX5IR 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

39 Name: !!H3ZnX5IR 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

40 Name: !!zXqQXLV0 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

tripcode wo sagashite

41 Name: !!Md3rL7b4 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]


42 Name: !!viB5mTss 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

this is boring

43 Name: !!V00zW+KQ 1993-09-4403 02:13 [no]

this is boring

44 Name: !!FMHAqNnv 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

45 Name: !!T5A7L5Za 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

46 Name: !!OR+ewD32 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

47 Name: !!byfm/8Q2 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

48 Name: !!is48p2eS 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

49 Name: !!oIQw+WFc 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

50 Name: !!CuG0elBq 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

51 Name: !!75n4N0FE 1993-09-4403 02:14 [no]

this is boring

52 Name: !!N1vAcmVD 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

this is boring

53 Name: !!82eQPcH3 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

this is boring

54 Name: !!pWnqSPkI 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

55 Name: !!zhDICzg/ 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

56 Name: !!Xn8EfTfv 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

57 Name: !!knBFICur 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

58 Name: !!fJ42Lyx9 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

59 Name: !!8xiYR+b9 1993-09-4403 02:15 [no]

i have infinite patience

60 Name: !!cmzOGzbV 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

i have infinite patience

61 Name: !!WPjba/Ds 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

i have infinite patience

62 Name: !!OL1yopn0 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

i have infinite patience

63 Name: !!er5TIBF6 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

i have infinite patience

64 Name: !!W9aC3BaU 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

poor squeek's bandwidth

65 Name: !!PFTh2WQu 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

66 Name: !!Khrzy6wi 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

67 Name: !!cCREkXTt 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

68 Name: !!5QC3e19l 1993-09-4403 02:16 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

69 Name: !!IHDYIoJj 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

70 Name: !!oRK3Mwwu 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

71 Name: !!7QO1+p2H 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

72 Name: !!PWm1/lth 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

73 Name: !!W+SW8ArN 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

74 Name: !!LUrnA55P 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

75 Name: !!mEkBLYTf 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

76 Name: !!9lpmtbRn 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

77 Name: !!mHHVWBbG 1993-09-4403 02:17 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

78 Name: !!qR661YJ7 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

79 Name: !!BJt54yzx 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

poor squeeks' bandwidth

80 Name: !!g23QbAMF 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

81 Name: !!FhLSGlEc 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

82 Name: !!kj7SGpto 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

83 Name: !!wXReyF2l 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

84 Name: !!yT3lp6oT 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

85 Name: !!lyrq8KDW 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

86 Name: !!1DQAH2l4 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

87 Name: !!gwx7XOJa 1993-09-4403 02:18 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

88 Name: !!qfF9AH6F 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

89 Name: !!i0+EZOQ7 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

90 Name: !!skKecNBA 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

91 Name: !!2mfQhY8P 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

92 Name: !!TryqJ6FP 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

93 Name: !!EM/gqjNk 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

94 Name: !!M+fnmSOi 1993-09-4403 02:19 [no]

conserve bandwidth!

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.