Let's go n by only get!!! (426)

1 Name: HAY 2004-12-11 06:53 ID:Heaven [Del]


150 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4167 09:41 ID:sSg+P8Gt [Del]

~Sega Bass Fishing~

151 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4167 09:42 ID:sSg+P8Gt [Del]

#151 MEW GET

152 Name: 1993-09-4168 03:16 ID:6Y+563Ax [Del]


153 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4168 06:31 ID:Heaven [Del]


154 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4168 10:16 ID:6Y+563Ax [Del]


155 Name: infi 1993-09-4168 16:26 ID:4lGY9lWp [Del]

155get(or not)

156 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4169 12:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

this thread kinda sucks.,

157 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4170 08:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

Your punctuation kinda sucks.,

158 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4170 14:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

Welcome to DQN.

159 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4170 19:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


160 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4171 19:06 ID:x18axcBq [Del]

160 get

161 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 00:51 ID:ZKbIK08V [Del]

161 obtain

162 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 01:43 ID:rzmM2b3c [Del]

in posession of 162

163 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 03:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

163 fetch

164 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 04:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

I got 164. Should I be happy?

165 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 05:13 ID:ZKbIK08V [Del]

165 acquire

166 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 06:38 ID:wL+IrjcF [Del]

166 procure

167 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 09:25 ID:Heaven [Del]

167 retrieve

168 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 13:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

456 get

169 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 19:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

169 possess

170 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 22:17 ID:YuHoODcv [Del]

170 evoke

171 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4172 22:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

171 become

172 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4173 01:28 ID:8bxGrFGK [Del]

172 grasp

173 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4173 04:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

173 is taken

174 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4173 18:12 ID:H/G+s6Uc [Del]

174 annexed

175 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4174 13:15 ID:rp5MNvsJ [Del]

175 raped

176 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4174 17:42 ID:gVjPAKiB [Del]

176 deflowered

177 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4174 19:22 ID:Qo0yu4HS [Del]

177 DQNS

178 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4174 23:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

get the fuck outta my 178

179 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4175 01:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

179 seized

180 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4175 05:06 ID:dz4AMqf5 [Del]

180 VIPPERS :v

181 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4175 12:02 ID:Heaven [Del]


182 Name: IQ=86 1993-09-4175 16:15 ID:Heaven [Del]


183 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4175 17:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

183 MY DICKERS 8====>

184 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4175 23:02 ID:Heaven [Del]


185 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4176 01:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

185 cockmongled

186 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4176 02:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

186 badly photoshopped

187 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4176 05:00 ID:/4RpJavU [Del]

187 served and still counting

188 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4176 18:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

188 nullpo'd

189 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4176 21:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

189 GA!ed

190 Name: IQ=86 1993-09-4179 00:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

190 omg'ed

191 Name: 1993-09-4179 02:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

191 Crackville

192 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 1993-09-4179 04:47 ID:OHIVNCIr [Del]


193 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4179 07:41 ID:n0fLp8SP [Del]

teg 391

194 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4179 16:08 ID:A1V3LPxA [Del]

teh 194 get

195 Name: Flanders 1993-09-4179 22:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

onehundriddelyninetiddelyfive getiddely!

196 Name: Homer 1993-09-4180 07:13 ID:J3wyGXHE [Del]


197 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 07:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

@@@@@@@@ Z_@@@@_@@@@@@@@_
@_@@@@@@ _@_@@@@_@@@@_@@_
@@@@ _@@@@ _@_@@@@_@@@@_@@@@@@@_
@@@@@@_@@@@ _@_@@@@@@@@@ ΘΘ@ ^PPPPPPP
@_@@@ QQQ_ @@ _@_QQQQQ(ί„Dί*jƒ197getI
@@ _ ^@@^Q_^P_ƒmQ^P ^ __/__QQQQQQQ
@((( ^ Q^^@ PPPP@^ Q^@@__ƒΗ~ @@_
@@@|PQ|bPŒx Ž‹ ’‘ P |PQ| @@@@__@@@@@_@_
@@@|QQ|bQQQQQQ |QQ|@@@@@  __@)))@@@@@_
_@ |QQ|@_@@@@@@@@ |QQ| @@@@@@_|@@@_
@ __Q _@ _@@@@@@@_Q _@@@@@@@_@)))@_
@@(((@ _P_@ _@@@@@@@_ P_ @@@@@@ _

198 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 13:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

198 GET!

199 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 13:28 ID:Heaven [Del]


200 Name: X68000τ!mmmX4xVxpI 1993-09-4180 13:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

ΝM) EΝEi@LΝMj .^|@ 200GETI200GETI200GETI
@@i@ i@ @ ‚Β„`_|
@@||@ | b b b@@@ __@@@@ __@200I200I^^
P| |PPP| |PP R@ |ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ© ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ©ƒ©@ƒ©
@ | | @ @ @| |@@@@ |@|ΘQΘΘQΘQΘ@ΘQΘQΘ@@ΘQΘ
P@PPP@ PPP@ |LΝM@iLΝM@jLΝMiLΝM@jLΝMjiLΝMj
@@@ΘQΘΘQΘ ΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘ
@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@ j@@@i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j@@
@@ΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘ ΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘΘQΘ @ΘQΘ
@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j@@@ i@@@@j@@

201 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 19:36 ID:Heaven [Del]


202 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4181 05:08 ID:9lVCeIlV [Del]

Here's 202GET for your failure.

203 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4181 11:52 ID:Heaven [Del]


204 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4181 21:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

2o4 get

205 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4181 21:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

g205h Get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@@@ ΘΘ@@@j@@@@@@(Lά(L
@@@@@@ PP@ (Lά(Lά;;

206 Name: IQ=86 1993-09-4182 14:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

› 204
› 205
œ 206
› 207
› 208
› 209
› 210

207 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4183 10:26 ID:wBLWscNT [Del]

› 204
› 205
› 206
(ί„Dί) 207GOTH
› 208
› 209
› 210

208 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4183 10:27 ID:Heaven [Del]

›››› 208 ››››

209 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4183 13:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hen : Rooster :: Mare : ______

(A) Saucepan
(B) Genital Warts
(œ) Ghandi
(D) Stallion
(E) Pinball

dam i olny got 209 on my std's i wonder y?

210 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4183 23:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

› 204
› 205
› 206
› 207
› 208
› 209
œ 210

you reached the end my friend

211 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4184 11:56 ID:mb5JIMwJ [Del]

211GET! 700 More for NEVAR FORGET!!!11

212 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4184 13:29 ID:88W09Moy [Del]

212 get!

213 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4184 19:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


214 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4185 10:58 ID:L+10gBs1 [Del]

what? 214get

215 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4185 13:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

stealing away with 215

216 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4185 16:50 ID:pXeGTUHi [Del]

HQ come in, reportign in: mission successfull. 216GET has been acquired. Requesting further instruction.

217 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4186 06:42 ID:Jz19S+oA [Del]

217GET says >>213 fails

218 Name: 213 1993-09-4186 07:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

I just wanted the digits, you fuckers

219 Name: Kihei^!udEYYlTjKY!!6M/mEaRp 1993-09-4187 09:59 ID:2vgnAAhb [Del]


220 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4187 14:27 ID:p6e9TM/M [Del]


221 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4189 15:14 ID:eCG0+Lk7 [Del]

fuckers is bad word!

222 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4189 15:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


223 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4189 15:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


224 Name: Wheeker-Chan 1993-09-4190 17:58 ID:Vzg7vnnM [Del]


225 Name: Wheeker-Chan 1993-09-4190 22:21 ID:Heaven [Del]


226 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4191 06:04 ID:Heaven [Del]


227 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4193 04:16 ID:Heaven [Del]


228 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4193 13:33 ID:c/yy2TM5 [Del]


229 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4193 16:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

11100101 get

230 Name: IQ=random 1993-09-4193 17:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

PUSH #000000E6

231 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4193 19:50 ID:huUAjHI1 [Del]

0o347 get

232 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4194 04:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

GET 11101000

233 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4194 04:40 ID:0NM/s/VC [Del]

10 PRINT "233GET!"
20 GOTO 10

234 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4194 14:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

2 GET (2, 2)-(2, 2), TWO%
234 GOTO 2

235 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4196 03:49 ID:Heaven [Del]


236 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4196 07:26 ID:JO5+dDDf [Del]

I now have 236GET.
>>1-235 is DQN

237 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4196 15:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

237 ghetto-style, yo

238 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4197 23:36 ID:6Ssj356F [Del]


239 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4201 06:22 ID:vrYd/qBP [Del]

Our daily get

240 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4201 08:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

240 backwards is 042 which kind of looks like orz GET

241 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4201 15:51 ID:TPtOgmxi [Del]

042 looks notink like 'orz'


242 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4201 16:50 ID:Heaven [Del]


243 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4202 05:00 ID:WIz3B9Zr [Del]

for n in *;do wget $n;done

245 Name: Buttdongle. 1993-09-4210 23:21 ID:Heaven [Del]


246 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4212 13:48 ID:nYFWxCGb [Del]


247 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4212 23:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


248 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4213 05:52 ID:69/WJTdD [Del]

>>1 >>236 >>237 >>238 >>239 >>240 >>241 >>242 >>243 >>244

249 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4213 05:52 ID:69/WJTdD [Del]

>>1 >>236 >>237 >>238 >>239 >>240 >>241 >>242 >>243 >>244

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