does anyone have the full text of the original bento box post?
Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
( __ )
( ・∀・) < My name is squeeks and we're all out of bentos.
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== Squeek's ==
( ´Д` ) bento-ー Λ_Λ
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_ -J从‘∀‘リし-
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description of the perfect bento box
i want one
Im looking for a pair of mittens, they cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. Each one has to have 5 yubi (thats japanese for 5 fingers) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching mitten holder. OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of wool, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a pair of mittens similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 4 yubi, and i dont want my yubi to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 5 fingers looks more kawaii)
> 5 fingers
You fail at mittens.
Im looking for a pair of gloves, they cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. Each one has to have 5 yubi (thats japanese for 5 fingers) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching glove holder. OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of wool, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a pair of mittens similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 2 yubi, and i dont want my fingers to touch my other fingers (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 5 fingers looks more kawaii)
I'm looking for a Nissan Skyline R-34 GT-R, it must be aoi(Blue) and not Yaoi(Gay). And it must be of 6MT. And it would be nice if it came with a matching car cover. OH, and it CANNOT have any flame pictures or be made out of carbon fiber. It has to be made out of Steel, Aluminum, and Plastic, or something like that. I have seen a Nissan Skyline GT-R, but it was R-33 with 5MT, but R-34 looks more cooru and has 6MT. I do not want RPM to drop more than 2200RPM at redline, it could bog down acceleration and cause turbo lag, and I would not like that.
I'm looking for something that's actually funny, it must be unique and original and not a stale rehash of something that's years old. And it must be new. And it would be nice if it were funny. Oh, and it CANNOT be kopipe, simply because that's all old and unfunny by default. I have found something similar once on another board, but it was a pay site, and I'm too cheap to fork over 10bux.