16 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4483 01:46 [no]

Human: how well does alice work?
ALICE: Not that well.
Human: you don't work well?
ALICE: I do too work. Do you work buddy?
Human: No need to get snippy.
ALICE: Are you serious? Why do you want it?
Human: What what?
ALICE: I can ask my botmaster.
Human: who's that?
ALICE: What does "that" refer to?
Human: your botmaster.
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
Human: I guess he's the botmaster?
ALICE: I did not know he is it.
Human: you just said he was.
ALICE: Does it please you to believe I said that?
Human: not really.
ALICE: What pleases you? For real.
Human: intellegent conversation pleases me.
ALICE: You are asking about yourself?

ALICE isn't that smart.

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