No one has found the two secret boards around here?
not quite a secret, but
Aw, just after I deleted /test/ I saw this post.
There's still more!
there is no imgboard.htm in /admin/, because it is not an imageboard.
That's one.. where's the other? is now officially a secret board. We should use it to announce shit and play around. isn't linked anywhere anymore either. seems to be unlinked as well
ime jorma vittuas ja tuki se saatanan turpas
reviving this thread, in hopes that some one will come forth and spill some info on this "super secret board" that people where posting screen shots from earlier today, and no, not /5/ it was just labled as "super secret board"
come on... any one O.o
mysterious-chan must know :_;
>>20 gasp. you RUINED IT!!!!!!!!
OH YAY.... OH... wait... that isn't 4chan, u trick me ;_;
id & password?
a registered board defeats the purpose of DQN, Elietist fag
but having a "hidden" DQN board on here would be awsome
Why? It would only encourage elitist fags like yourself to brag about knowing of its existence.
we should make DQN registered users only.
and someone actually took that as a serious comment.
Well, I think DQN should continue to allow anonymous posting. It just wouldn't be the same otherwise.
>>31 has been banned for stating a biased opinion.