Wheeker-chan is a man (36)

2 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4246 19:54 [Del]


3 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4246 19:59 [Del]

Oh, and this reminds me: Whatever happened to Osaka-aka-Kaoru?

4 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4246 20:25 [Del]

too many words.

5 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4246 20:33 [Del]

Posts at 4chan's /b/ now, still self-important and mediocre as ever.


6 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 1993-09-4246 21:54 [Del]


7 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4246 23:28 [Del]


Still a compulsive liar?

8 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4247 00:16 [Del]



9 Name: moniker!1hQVBW3ets 1993-09-4248 15:34 [Del]

Welcome to the internet. Where men are men. Women are men. and little girls are FBI agents.

10 Name: 1993-09-4248 18:32 [Del]

i like to talk to fbi agents.

11 Name: Embodiment of Eternal September!EoESoTAHkw 1993-09-4248 19:27 [Del]

moot wishes to be an FBI agent?

12 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4248 21:22 [Del]

An FBI agents that gets sent to Mexico for secret missions!

13 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4249 03:02 [Del]

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14 Name: _ns!yYqlaT62VQ 1993-09-4249 03:08 [Del]

oh snap, any word from wheeker back on zirc or in one of her other communities, or has she still not shown her face? I'd like to shake her hand to be honest. Some of the best and most long-term trolling work I've ever seen. Brilliant stuff, even I was taken in.

15 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4249 03:21 [Del]

I wouldn't consider it trolling, really.

I mean, if she is female, as some people claim, then this is kinda sad for her.

16 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4249 15:56 [Del]

Hey, listen to me for a moment, I don't think it's related to this thread, but listen!

Yesterday, I went over to Yoshinoya for a simple meal. Yes, THAT beef bowl house, Yoshinoya.
But the whole restaurant was so crowded, I couldn't even find a seat for hours!
Then I saw a poster that said "Special offer! 150 yen discount".
I thought to myself... geez, that's so fucking amazing. You guys don't even normally visit Yoshinoya.
All you bastards came here just for that stupid-assed 150 yen discount.
Just for that 150 yen. ONE FREAKIN' FIFTY YEN!!

17 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4249 17:59 [Del]

Hey, listen to me for a moment, I don't think it's related to this thread, but listen!

Yesterday, I went over to Yoshinoya for a simple meal. Yes, THAT beef bowl house, Yoshinoya.
But the whole restaurant was closed. So I went home again.

18 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4250 14:30 [Del]

She is a girl...

19 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4250 14:41 [Del]



20 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4250 17:36 [Del]


She's just insecure about her looks... or wanted to trick a lot of people.

21 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4250 17:40 [Del]


There is no proof there.

22 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4250 19:47 [Del]

>>21 People have also talked to her...

23 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4251 01:50 [Del]

I've seen her

24 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4251 02:05 [Del]

i've fucked her in the pooper

25 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4251 21:25 [Del]

>>25 lies, girls don't poop

26 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4251 21:26 [Del]

also, I make recursive redirects way too often

27 Name: ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃ 1993-09-4252 02:04 [Del]

lies, girls don't poop
lies, girls don't poop
lies, girls don't poop
lies, girls don't poop
lies, girls don't poop
lies, girls don't poop

28 Post deleted by user.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: N00bity 1993-09-4255 15:18 [Del]

I know Kaoru. ^^

31 Name: !MikO/P4qCc 1993-09-4256 18:50 [Del]

someone has requested they repost the actual wheeker images. who had?

32 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4256 20:36 [Del]


You mean of the fake Wheeker? I might have some on my home comp...

33 Name: !MikO/P4qCc 1993-09-4257 04:47 [Del]

someone had posted her actual image.

34 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4260 12:17 [no]

/r/ Osaka pics

35 Name: Pooktaro 1993-09-4507 02:24 [no]

/r/ Wheeker pics

36 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4507 21:18 [no]

I don't believe that.

I downloaded Interjunior, and I don't see any evidence of sex change operations on any of those girls!

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