W.T.Snacks stands for William Taft Snacks (33)

1 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Tractor 1993-09-4271 19:46 [no]

In this thread we discuss how W.T.Snacks stands for William Taft Snacks.

2 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4271 21:26 [no]

how about we don't and say we did

on another note......


3 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 01:26 [no]


4 Name: NEET-kun 1993-09-4272 03:37 [no]

Wheat toast Snax

They're good for yuo!

5 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 07:10 [no]

__W__hat __T__he __S__hit?

6 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 09:09 [no]

Wixiford Teunehausen Snacks

7 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 10:44 [no]


8 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 12:32 [no]

Whiskey Tango Snacks?

9 Name: Embodiment of Eternal September!EoESoTAHkw 1993-09-4272 15:30 [no]

10 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4272 16:09 [no]

Where're The Snacks?

11 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4273 07:19 [no]

12 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4273 12:31 [no]

I think
W.t snacks
is okama

13 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4273 13:37 [no]

William Tiberius Snackirks

14 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4274 06:20 [no]

Walker, texas snack

15 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4274 09:55 [no]

16 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4276 15:12 [no]

what the snacks?

17 Name: WTSnacks 1993-09-4276 16:37 [no]

it is William Taft Snacks :|

18 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4298 20:44 [no]

       /∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ \
      /∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ヽ   / ヽ ∴∵∴|
      /∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ | ● |  | ● | ∴∵∴|
      |∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ ヽ ノ  ヽ  ノ ∴∵∴|
      |∴∵∴∵∴/     / ̄ヽ    \ ∴.|
      |∴∵∴∵/   ‐‐-- ヽ_/  ‐‐-- \ |
      |∴∵∴ /     ‐‐--   |   ‐‐--    |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      |∴∵∴|   \   ‐‐--  |  ‐‐--/   | < hage
      |∵∴∵|    \_____|__/    /  |
      \∵ |      \       /     /  | 
        \ |        \__/    /     \_______
          \               /
             ..i.              | _/ヽ

19 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4298 23:28 [no]

It's for "Want Toffee Snacks," FYI.

I use IRC.

20 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Tractor 1993-09-4299 09:01 [no]


I'm sorry to hear that.

21 Name: /(●)(●) 1993-09-4300 20:45 [no]

Willy (Wonka) Taffy Snacks

22 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4300 23:21 [no]

                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | |    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ;´Д`)//  < Sensei, where's the snacks?
      /       /     \_____________
     / /|    /
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||

23 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 01:32 [no]

You're sitting on them.

24 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4301 07:14 [no]

           n/ )
              | |
              | |
              | |
        ∧_∧| |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`) l < Sensei, you were right!
      / -  - /    \___________
     /       |
    | ト     |
    | ||  , 、  | 
     | ||  || |
 ___| ||  ι、) |___
 ||\ (__u           \
 ||\\             \
 ||  \|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
 ||   || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     ‖                 ||

25 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4303 23:01 [no]


26 Name: ( (●)トェェェイ(●) ) 1993-09-4304 07:53 [no]

         (. ・w・ ) You're the nigga, >>25!
 ̄ ̄ ̄日∇ ̄\| BIBLO |\
        ̄   =======  \

         (. ・w・ ) 
 ̄ ̄ ̄日∇ ̄\| BIBLO |\
        ̄   =======  \

         (. ・w・ ) 
 ̄ ̄ ̄日∇ ̄\| BIBLO |\
        ̄   =======  \

         (´・ω・`) You are!
           ( __)_
 ̄ ̄ ̄日∇ ̄\| BIBLO |\
        ̄   =======  \

27 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4338 09:01 [no]

Walker Texas Snacks

28 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4758 14:25


29 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4758 15:03

is this some 4chan thing?

30 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training : 1993-09-4758 15:28

I think it has something to do with chips and crackers.

31 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4758 18:04

chips and crackers... is this releated to pc?

32 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4758 18:04

chips and crackers... is this releated to pc?

33 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4758 20:29

the WT doesn't stand for for W and T. I asked him myself.

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