ITT we insult the poster above us (1067)

1 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 05:59 [no]


2 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 07:01 [no]

>>1 is clearly a faggot.

3 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 07:20 [no]

>>2 failed at '2GET'

4 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 09:24 [no]

>>3 needs to stop being such a GET whore.

5 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 12:16 [no]

>>4 is insecure and whiny.

6 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 12:26 [no]

>>5 tries to come off all superior to those around it.

7 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 12:41 [no]

>>6 is some sort of politically correct faggot who can't use gendered pronouns.

8 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 21:56 [no]

>>7 lacks heterosexual finesse.

9 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4450 23:51 [no]

>heterosexual finesse

Is that like french for 'homo' or something?

10 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 01:01 [no]

>>9 fails at insulting >>8

11 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 04:04 [no]

>>10 fails at coming up with a suitable response to >>9

12 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 05:14 [no]


fails for mindlessly copying the previous post.

And yes, that means I fail too.

13 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 06:18 [no]

>>12 botched by foundering in using the thesaurus ( )

14 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 09:15 [no]

>>13 is a fucking baldy.

15 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 12:32 [no]

>>14 couldn't spot a misspelling of "floundering" if it raped him with a strap-on vibrator from behind.

16 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 12:37 [no]

People often confuse the verbs founder and flounder. Founder comes from a Latin word meaning “bottom” (as in foundation) and originally referred to knocking enemies down; people now use it also to mean “to fail utterly, collapse”: The business started well but foundered. Flounder means “to move clumsily, thrash about” and hence “to proceed in confusion.” Thus if >>15 is foundering in appearing that he has a clue, he had better lurk more; if he is floundering, he may yet pull through.

17 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 14:11 [no]

>>16 is tl;dr, and needs to go away from DQN

18 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 14:25 [no]

>>17 is tired and bitter!

19 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 15:33 [no]

>>18 is jacques chirac

20 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 15:45 [no]

>>19 is dubya

21 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 17:08 [no]

>>20 has a penis bone even though he's human only so that everyone can see what an idiot he is since he frequently manages to break it

22 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 17:30 [no]

>>21 is incomprehensible.

23 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4451 18:57 [no]

>>22 is moot

24 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 02:34 [no]

>>23 is emo snacks

25 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 02:43 [no]


26 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 02:58 [no]

>>25 is hiding his secret attraction for >>24

27 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 04:06 [no]

>>26 is nurupo

28 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 04:18 [no]

>>27 gah!

29 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 07:09 [no]

>>28 is....well, ugly.

30 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 07:42 [no]

>>29 breaks into open weeping during sex.

31 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 10:36 [no]

>>30's mom


32 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 10:36 [no]

>>31 is DQN.

33 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 12:17 [no]

>>32 is too stupid to think of a good insult

34 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 18:47 [no]

>>33 is the shit piece left in my column after an enema.

35 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 19:27 [no]

36 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 19:41 [no]


37 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 23:36 [no]

>>36 doesn't know when a thread is over! This thread will become a legendary cesspool of meaningless insults!

38 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 00:04 [no]

>>37 is desperate to keep his thread alive, even when it sucks.

39 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 00:20 [no]

>>38 No, YOU suck!

40 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 03:00 [no]

>>39 NO U!
(come on, you knew it was coming)

41 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 03:02 [no]

>>40 is a 4chan faggot who can't come up with anything original

42 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 03:49 [no]

>>41 busted his cover, "faggot" is a typical 4chan insult.

43 Name: 「」 1993-09-4453 07:04 [no]

You'd know, wouldn't you?

44 Name: 1993-09-4453 09:48 [no]

>>43 fails at 「」

45 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 13:02 [no]

>>44 fails at properly insulting >>43

46 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 15:00 [no]

For recycling something we already decided was lame, >>45 does not succeed.

47 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 15:19 [no]

>>46 is a little shitworm who needs to grow a fucking spine and dare to say some real insults.

48 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 17:04 [no]

>>47 has too much anger in his life.

49 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 17:17 [no]

Only a motherfucking scumbag like >>47 would need to give explanations why >>46 sucks donkey balls so much, it's so damn frigging obvious.

50 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 17:30 [no]

oh and >>48 should shut up

51 Name: 「」 1993-09-4453 17:37 [no]

>>50 voted for Bush.

52 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 19:08 [no]

>>51 has made this thread the worst thread ever.

53 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 19:17 [no]

>>52 fails at being a hip, cool, alternative internet person.

54 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 19:25 [no]

>>53 is a fuddy-duddy

55 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 19:56 [no]

>>54 is dead inside and cannot feel real feelings.

56 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 20:13 [no]

55 is an emo pussy

57 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 20:50 [no]

>>56 is a me-too trendhopper, jumping on the trite bandwagon of making fun of people for being emo.

58 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 20:56 [no]

>>56 is to damn lazy to type >>

59 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 21:06 [no]

>>58 is obviously too stupid to know that 57 comes after 56.

60 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 21:52 [no]

>>59 is a smartass.

61 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 22:12 [no]

It's better than being a dumbass like >>60 .

62 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 22:39 [no]

>>61 can't control his bowels.

63 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4453 23:20 [no]

>>62 has a scatological fetish.

64 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 01:36 [no]

If any body knows "scatological fetish" its >>63

65 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 01:47 [no]

I know you are, but what am I, >>64 ?

66 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 02:02 [no]

Congradulations Moron! You've found yet another way to flaunt your stupidity.

67 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 02:15 [no]

>>66 Oh the irony

68 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 02:29 [no]

>>67 gets off on illusions of superiority

69 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 02:47 [no]

>>68 is an Internet psychiatrist.

70 Name: 「」 1993-09-4454 03:19 [no]

>>69 said "trist".
Huh huh. Huh huh. Huh.

71 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 03:41 [no]

>>70 dropped out of college to play World of Warcraft

72 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 04:51 [no]

>>71 is made of ass and poo

73 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 09:02 [no]

>>72 is saying this in hopes of some tasty >>71 dessert.

74 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 09:39 [no]

>>73 is obviously fapping to the thought of >>71 and >>72 having wild unlubed buttsex.

75 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 10:18 [no]

>>74 is getting off on the thought of pure, unadulterated male masturbation.

76 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 12:46 [no]

>>75 needs to go straight and get a woman

77 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 13:26 [no]

>>76 is only saying that to hide the fact that he is in fact HAADO GEI

78 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 14:34 [no]

is the real secret identity of HAADO GEI

79 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 16:11 [no]

>>78 fails at life

80 Name: 「」 1993-09-4454 16:23 [no]

>>79 fails at the universe and everything.

81 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 18:15 [no]

>>80 just pain fails.

82 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 21:01 [no]

Ooh! Such wit! It took full 1 hour 52 minutes and that's all that >>81 could come up with.

83 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 22:25 [no]

>>82 sits in front of his computer all day waiting for new posts, so he assumes that others do the same. Also, it took >>82 nearly three hours to come up with that brilliant retort.

84 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 22:26 [no]

>>82 needs to come up with less detailed insults.

85 Name: 「」 1993-09-4454 22:49 [no]

>>84 lacks the attention span needed to read more than one sentence.

86 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 23:39 [no]

>>85 lacks the attention span needed to notice that >>84 didn't insult >>83

87 This post sucks.

88 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4454 23:52 [no]

>>86 io09i-0tip0izdrxt'ko67ygu65e46ssrthhrtshs6

89 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4455 00:14 [no]

>>88 is Terri Shaivo

90 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4455 01:16 [no]

>>89 thinks he's cool for including poop-culture references.

91 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4455 01:54 [no]

>>90 can talk to the hand.

92 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 06:18 [no]

>>91's hand is busy at the moment, the elbow can take a message

93 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 06:24 [no]

>>92 is filled with aids

94 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 1993-09-4455 06:51 [no]

>>93 fails at modding

95 Name: Lain 1993-09-4455 07:48 [no]

Fails at the internet

96 Name: raiden fighter jet 1993-09-4455 09:27 [no]

>>95 Fails at life

97 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 12:41 [no]


98 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 12:45 [no]

>>96 explodes a lot.

99 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4455 14:45 [no]

>>98 also can't insult the poster above him

100 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 17:25 [no]

>>99 fails 100GET

101 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 17:36 [no]

>>92-98,100 fail to post anonymously.

102 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4455 17:41 [no]

>>101 failed to recognize that the default has been changed to W.T.Snacks

103 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 17:50 [no]

Fails for using a name

104 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 18:19 [no]

Fails for being full of aids ^_^

105 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 18:44 [no]

>>104 said aids (the disease) when he meant aides (helpers)

106 Name: Panty-Shaped-CAPS LOCK 1993-09-4455 22:55 [no]

>>105 Fail for not using Jared as References

107 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4455 22:58 [no]

>>105 doesn't get puns unless they're explained in parenthetical notes (a jar).

108 Name: Panty-Shaped-CAPS LOCK 1993-09-4455 23:01 [no]

>>107 I dont get it

109 Name: Panty-Shaped-CAPS LOCK 1993-09-4455 23:02 [no]

>>108 Wait ...wha ?

110 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 00:38 [no]

>>109 sucks at making coherent posts

111 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 00:45 [no]

>>110 has to critisize others to feel like a big man.

112 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 01:27 [no]

>>111 is the same lonely person as >>1-110

113 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4456 02:02 [no]

>>112 listens to techno music

114 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 02:13 [no]

>>113 is a snooty audiophile snob

115 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 03:00 [no]

>>114 speaks jive to cows in the hopes that it may score him some sweet sweet bovine ass

116 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 03:47 [no]

>>115 writes in his livejournal every day.

117 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 03:54 [no]

>>116 is Weeabo

118 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 05:12 [no]

>>117 is a /b/tard and, as if that wasn't bad enough, can't spell.

119 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 05:23 [no]

is a furry

120 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 05:32 [no]

>>119 is a closeted and resentful furry.

121 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 06:12 [no]

>>120 wobbles but doesn't fall down.

122 Name: 「」 1993-09-4456 06:18 [no]

>>121 thinks making 80s jokes makes him look cool when it really makes him look old.

123 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 07:09 [no]

>>122 smells of breast milk.

124 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 08:27 [no]

thinks that smelling of breast milk is a bad thing

125 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 09:56 [no]

>>124 has an oedipus complex.

126 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 12:29 [no]

>>125 has a dumbass complex.

127 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 13:26 [no]

>>126 has a complex complex.

128 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 14:37 [no]

>>127 A lolita complex

129 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 15:30 [no]


130 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 15:52 [no]

>>129 can't pray the gay away.

131 Name: W.T.Snacks 1993-09-4456 18:53 [no]

>>130 doesn't know when to stop.

132 Name: 「」 1993-09-4456 20:44 [no]

>>131 couldn't figure out how to get started.

133 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 03:13 [no]

>>132 sucks his own cock

134 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 03:14 [no]

>>133 has to mine other threads for his material.

135 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 06:53 [no]

>>134 Obviously reading the same thread as >>133

136 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 09:04 [no]

>>135 is Charlie Wenzel

137 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 12:35 [no]

>>136 makes references to people nobody cares about.

138 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 14:40 [no]

>>138 smells like cabbage.

139 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 15:58 [no]

>>138 is so emo he insulted himself

140 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 17:18 [no]

>>139 is paranoid

141 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 18:56 [no]

>>140 is schizophrenic

142 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 19:20 [no]

>>1-141 are lactose intolerant.

143 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 21:22 [no]

>>142 milks his insults past their prime

144 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 21:29 [no]

>>143 is a sucker for cheap puns.

145 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 21:58 [no]

>>144 Stinks of butter

146 Name: 「」 1993-09-4457 22:00 [no]

>>145 smells of elderberries.

147 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 23:03 [no]

>>146 is French.

148 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4457 23:59 [no]

>>147 does not know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.

149 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4458 00:34 [no]

neither does >>148

150 Name: 「」 1993-09-4458 16:10 [no]

>>149 wasn't smart enough to understand the plot in Flying Circus.

151 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 02:36 [no]

>>150 fails to understand that Monty Python movies have no real plot.

152 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 04:40 [no]

>>151 fails to understand that under apparent plotlessness lies a subtle undercurrent of political critique and subversion, and under that is actually a plot, i think

153 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 05:03 [no]

>>152 thinks too much

154 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 05:46 [no]

>>153 Can't think at all

155 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 06:56 [no]

>>154 thinks different

156 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 08:14 [no]

>>155 couldn't get a clue if he pulled on a clue skin, doused himself in clue musk and sang the clue song while performing the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of the clue mating season.

157 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 08:24 [no]

>>156 is clearly DQN

158 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 08:39 [no]

thinks that DQN is an insult in the Forbidden Garden

159 Name: 「」 1993-09-4459 13:48 [no]

>>158 thinks DQN has something to do with ice cream.

160 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 14:26 [no]

>>159 had no idea what the hell he talked about

161 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 15:26 [no]

>>160 has shit around his asshole.

162 Name: Cyber Okama!jvqKLPB9Fc 1993-09-4459 17:58 [no]

Sorry I can't, my walls are bare.

163 Name: 「」 1993-09-4459 20:24 [no]

>>162 can't fucking read.

164 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 21:51 [no]

>>163 is a literacy elitist.

165 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 21:57 [no]

>>164 is a clown.

166 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4459 22:06 [no]

>>165 is a mime.

167 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 04:47 [no]

Has MIME type x-application/asshole

168 Name: 「」 1993-09-4460 05:00 [no]

>>167 is a computer geek.

169 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 05:55 [no]

>>168 is Captain Obvious

170 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 06:11 [no]

>>169 Obviously running out of insult

171 Name: 「」 1993-09-4460 07:16 [no]

>>170 is Captain Planet.

172 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 10:08 [no]

>>171 is a treehugger.

173 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 10:37 [no]

>>172 Was a man

174 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 12:50 [no]

>>173 isn't worth insulting.

175 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 13:21 [no]

>>174 You bastard!!!

176 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 14:11 [no]

>>175 Only one exclamation point.

177 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 14:38 [no]

>>176 can neither form a coherent sentence nor an insult.

178 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 15:41 [no]

177- wanks off to Webster's unabridged college dictionary.

179 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 16:55 [no]

That scarcely qualifies as an insult UNLESS YOU LIKE TO SUCK HUGE VEINY COCKS.

180 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 17:58 [no]

can't even get the formula right

181 Name: 「」 1993-09-4460 19:07 [no]

>>180 fucked >>179s mother in the ass.

182 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 19:30 [no]

>>181 fucked >>171s father in the eye.

183 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 21:27 [no]

>>182 tried to fuck >>181's huge ass and missed it by a mile.

184 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 22:47 [no]

I can't believe I'm wasting my time on the likes of >>183.

185 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4460 23:10 [no]

>>184 pretends he is a busy man on Internets.

186 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 01:03 [no]

Proves that >>185 had no life

187 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 01:29 [no]

>>186 is not in employment, education or training

188 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 01:30 [no]

>>186 is not in employment, education or training

189 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 01:49 [no]

>>188 replyed twice because nobody listened the first time.

190 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 02:54 [no]

>>189 couldn't get a stroke of genius if he gave Einstein a handjob.

191 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 02:57 [no]

>>190 disgraces science and progress with his pathetic puns.

192 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 04:28 [no]

>>191 likes to suck my smelly balls.

193 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 06:14 [no]

a) has smelly balls
b) wants to get them sucked by a male who is not in employment, education or training

194 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 08:20 [no]

>>193 is so fat he beeps when he backs up.

195 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 10:34 [no]

>>194 is a CHAR.

196 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 13:08 [no]

>>195 is a CONST.

197 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 13:31 [no]

>>196 is a NULL

198 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 18:46 [no]

>>197 is a STRING

199 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 18:47 [no]

Compile error:
>>198 is undefined.

200 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 18:47 [no]


201 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 19:26 [no]

>>200 is obsessed with not-so-large round numbers.

202 Name: 「」 1993-09-4461 19:47 [no]

>>201 can't count past 20.

203 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 20:03 [no]

>>202 Is so ugly at Halloween the Haunted House paid him for admisson.

204 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 23:22 [no]

still can't get it up

205 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 23:30 [no]

>>204 feels so big and strong, insulting everyone before him

206 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 23:41 [no]

>>205 can't count to 203.

207 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 23:42 [no]

>>205 failed to notice that >>203 was not insulted

208 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4461 23:59 [no]

>>207 failed to notice that >>206 was not insulted.

209 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 00:41 [no]

>>208 failed to notice that >>199 was not insulted.

210 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 01:04 [no]

>>209 is a fucking moron for continuing the "$NUMBER failed to notice that $NUMBER was not insulted".

211 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 03:02 [no]

>>210 is Captain Obvious, pointing out things everyone already knows.

212 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 04:44 [no]

>>211 is anally sodomized by hundreds of dancing bears

213 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 04:58 [no]

>>212 is bathing in the warm afterglow of the fantasies of a all-bear orgy.

214 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 05:31 [no]

>>213 thinks a cat would be fine too...

215 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 05:47 [no]

>>214 will settle for less than a cat.

216 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 06:00 [no]

>>215 Was raped by pedobear at the age of 3

217 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 06:21 [no]

>>216 is on very intimate terms with pedobear.

218 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 07:31 [no]

>>217 is cracky-chan's strapon bitch.

219 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 07:35 [no]

>>218 is cracky-chan

220 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 08:17 [no]

>>219 is pedobear

221 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 13:06 [no]

>>220 is pedo

222 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 15:50 [no]

>>221 is loli

223 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 16:12 [no]

>>222 is lol

224 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 16:19 [no]

>>223 is low

225 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 18:10 [no]

>>224 is a lowlife enough to actually post in this thread.

226 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 18:35 [no]

>>225 So does thee

227 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 18:47 [no]

>>226 is jealous

228 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 19:17 [no]

>>219-224, >>226's pea-sized brains cannot process sentences of more then three words

229 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 19:27 [no]

>>228 is actually stupid enough to think that his remark will make a difference

230 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 19:44 [no]

>>230 is too stupid to understand how this thread works.

231 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 21:21 [no]

>>230 is insulting >>230. Good job!

232 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 21:38 [no]

>>231 is the real Captian Obvious.

233 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 22:33 [no]

>>232 lacks individual differentiation.

234 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 22:54 [no]

>>233 can't spell.

235 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4462 23:34 [no]

>>234 makes fun of other people's misspellings over the internet.

236 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 00:01 [no]

>>235 is Range Murata

237 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 00:20 [no]

>>236 knows his pop culture.

238 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 00:42 [no]

>>237 Can't insult for shit.

239 Name: Triumph: The Insult Comic Dog 1993-09-4463 01:49 [no]

>>238 is a great person...
...for me to poop on!

240 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 04:21 [no]

>>239 isn't funny.

241 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 04:23 [no]

>>239 is Captain Obnoxious

242 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 04:50 [no]

>>241 should reload every 60 seconds like all loyal DQNs so things like this wouldn't happen

243 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 07:09 [no]

>>242 is a fucking homosexual faggot
 ( ´_⊃`)
 (    )  
 | | |  

244 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 09:59 [no]

>>243 is a one-trick pony.

245 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 16:57 [no]

>>244 wants a pony for christmas

246 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 18:40 [no]

>>245 wants a pony for hott bestiality action.

247 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 18:46 [no]

>>246 can see bestiality in everything.

248 Name: 「」 1993-09-4463 19:22 [no]

>>247 eats shit for kicks.

249 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 20:21 [no]

>>248 watches others eat shit for kicks.

250 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 20:39 [no]

>>249 eats the shit of those who eat those who watch others eat shit for kicks, then shits it out and eats it again.

251 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 21:14 [no]

>>250 Faps while watching Jay and Silent Bob

252 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 21:37 [no]

>>1 is the only one posting here

253 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:05 [no]

>>252 is a paranoid schizophrenic.

254 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:21 [no]

>>253 I am not! Stop following us!

255 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:23 [no]

>>254 has no respect for thread rules.

256 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:23 [no]

>>255 is a mindless sheep.

257 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:24 [no]

>256 refuses to be contained in a hexadecimal 2-digit number.

258 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 22:36 [no]


259 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4463 23:25 [no]

>>258 doesn't realize that caps lock is not cruise control for cool

260 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 00:16 [no]

>>259 is pointing out something that is apparent to even the most casual observer.

261 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 02:16 [no]

>>260 is pointing out something that is apparent to even the most casual observer.

262 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 02:48 [no]

>>261 is a loop

263 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 03:23 [no]

>>262 is not in the loop

264 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 03:40 [no]

>>264 is not yet ready to be insulted, which is apparent to even the most causal observer

265 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 04:47 [no]

>>264 fails at insulting >>263

266 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 07:25 [no]

>>265 is the insult police.

267 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 11:38 [no]

>>266 is an insult hippie.

268 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 11:52 [no]

>>267 is an insult to other hippies.

269 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 12:32 [no]

>>268 is the sword that cleaves evil.

270 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 13:48 [no]

>>269 thinks that's the best insult EVAR.

271 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 15:34 [no]

>>270 can't spell "ever"

272 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 20:09 [no]

>>271 had a traumatic childhood eperiance involving a swimsuit and cheese.

273 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4464 21:38 [no]

>>272 has recurring masturbation fantasies involving swimsuits and cheese.

274 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 01:22 [no]

>>273 has no imagination

275 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 05:54 [no]

>>274 has no imagination

276 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 06:47 [no]

>>275 is a foppish dandy with a penchant for young boys

277 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 07:51 [no]

>>276, it takes one to know one

278 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 08:29 [no]

>>277 knows two

279 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 08:35 [no]

>>278, including yourself it would be three.

280 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 09:30 [no]

>>279 just graduate from primary school

281 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 09:33 [no]

>>280 apparently didn't make it.

282 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 16:07 [no]

>>281 likes to kick people who are down.

283 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 21:18 [no]

282 can't get it up.

284 Name: 「」 1993-09-4465 21:42 [no]

>>283 can't remember the number for 911.

285 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 21:48 [no]

>>285 had to call 411 for the number.

286 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 22:21 [no]

>>285 forgot to call for the number of "Dirk Diggler" that is >>284

287 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 23:00 [no]

>>286 is a horrible processor

288 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4465 23:48 [no]

>>287 smacks of incoherency.

289 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4466 02:01 [no]

>>289 plays stacks of wax

290 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4466 03:40 [no]

>>289 plays with himself

291 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4466 06:18 [no]

>>290 need not play the fool, it comes naturally

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