gay is faggot!!!!!! (16)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4499 21:09 [no]

I guess u r a real gay faggot!!!!!!

2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4499 21:10 [no]

I guess u r a real faggot, gay !!!!!!

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4499 21:20 [no]

I guess u r a real gay faggot >>2

4 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4500 17:23 [no]

worst thread ever

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4502 01:53 [no]

God hates this thread with the fury of 100 suns.

6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4502 18:35 [no]


7 Name: sage 1993-09-4503 18:33 [no]

faggots stole my cloudsong!!

8 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4507 10:31 [no]

  /⌒\    /⌒\                 (    ))
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 ( ・∀・)♪ ( ・∀・)♪      ((    (    ((    (      )    ))
  ) つ つ   ) つ つ       )    ))   )    ))   ((    (
 (__Y_| ̄| ̄|(__Y_| ̄| ̄|   ((    (    ((    (      )    ))
 .| ̄ ̄ |\|/|.| ̄ ̄ |\|/|   彡∩・∀・)    ( ・∀・ )    (・∀・∩彡
                         ⊂  ⊂=⊃  ⊂=⊃ ⊂=⊃  ⊂=⊃   ⊃
                       (((_ノ⌒(_)  (_ノ⌒(_)   (_ノ⌒(_)))

9 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4507 14:59 [no]

Here's the host of america's funnies home video

Bob Fagget

10 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4507 16:37 [no]

>>9 can spell neither funniest nor faggot

11 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4507 21:12 [no]

This thread makes Broadway seem straight and narrow by comparison.

12 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4511 14:20 [no]

 ( ´_⊃`) I guess u r a real gay faggot!!!!!!
 (    )  
 | | |  

13 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4511 22:08 [no]

 (    ) 
 |   |  
 |   |     
 |   |     
 |   |     
 ( ´_⊃`) I guess u r a real gay faggot!!!!!!
 (    )  
 | | |  

14 Name: MODD 1993-09-4512 22:53 [no]

>>1 is banned for starting this politically incorect thread, and 2-13 are banned for replying to a politically incorrect thread.

15 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4521 05:19 [no]

Yo...I am a real gay faggot...and I will kill you with a rainbow saber...HIYAH!

16 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4521 20:16 [no]

I'm not gay, but can I suck your cock?

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