>>5 is ID:KAMI
>>6 failed to sage
>>7's jokes about fecal matter are unfunny and infantile.
>>11 is an awful person :( :( :(
>>13 thinks this thread will get to 1000.
>>20 can't even understand why this sort of thread is funny.
>>23 is a gay retard.
>>24-26,29 are fucking idiots. The idea was to post a message that might have inspired the insult above, so that the thread can be read in reverse order. But noooo, these mouthbreathing DQNs think it's really witty of them to refer to the posts above them.
Thread ruined. And it's all >>32's fault for causing this to happen.
>>33 Pa Pa Panda
needs to go see a doctor because he has ADHD, and his mom is a hermaphrodite
>>39 is to blame for Comcast's DNS server shutting down for 10 hours.
>>40 is my boss and he told me to reset the router, that asshole!
>>41 is fired.
>>47 Is a fine young gentleman with a clear mind and goals.
Hay guys, did I do this right
>>48 has no idea how to use this fucking thread.
>>51 is the shit.
>>54 thinks he's clever by tailoring his insult to actually refer to the poster above him
No more clever insutls to throw, eh?
Well that's why I'm here to shine brightly, in contrast to your poopy presence.
>>64 is using words he doesn't understand.
There were no presents for >>73 this year.
fucking idiots
>>80 sucks.
>>81 swallows.
>>84 is fingerstall.
>>85 thinks nonsense words are a fine substitute for actual insults, when one is unable to think of the latter.
>>87 has a large penis which makes all the girls scream and flee in terror.
>>88 has a small penis
Has a penis that is not considered small by the Chinpokomon corporation.
>>91 doesn't know the meaning of the word "forgetfulness", mostly because he forgot it.
>>95 was naive enough to try and get this shitty thread back on track
For someone who eats his own feces, >>96 makes a good point about the Maple Leafs penalty killing,
>>97 doesn't think Maple Leafs penalty killing is gay.
>>100's anus is bleeding
>>104 isn't smart enough to do anything besides insulting the poster above him, which is why he has not posted in this thread yet.
>>103 Do not mock MODD withtripcode
>>108 thinks that our animal brethren don't need to be liberated.
>>111 will not be invited to the garden party.
>>112 didn't post in fear of not being invited.
>>114 is a cunt for not planning to invite me to his tea party.
>>120 pees in the center of the room when people are looking
>>121 watches and wishes he could muster up the courage to do the same.
>>122 just isn´t very cool.
>>123 is "cool", but not cool
>>124's mommy is so fat when she get a cut she bleeds milkshakes
>>126 does drugs
>>127 likes to stick forks in his urethra
>>128 eats cereal with a fork
>>130 is buddha.
>>135 is not jisaku jien
same person
I can't really think of anything bad to say about >>137. He is a great guy.
>>140 Pa Pa Panda
>>148 thought this was "ITT we insult ourselves and/or the poster above us".
>>149 didn't realize that this wasn't "ITT we insult ourselves and/or the poster above us" until it was too late
>>150 has gone mad from the lack of causality ITT
>>151 no u