>>2 was too scared to do it himself.
>>1-3 are all idiots for thinking a new thread had to be made. The original is still perfectly adequate.
>>4 doesn't believe in legends.
>>9 is a newtype.
>>11 has pathetically weak Kung Fu that is in the old style, and that is why his master died so easily.
>>12 is an ignorant upstart that ignores tradition in favor of baseless theory.
You idiots, there is no reason for this thread. Just use the old one! It's still there and it's as good as ever. Sheesh.
>>14 doesn't understand what autosage is, probably because he's busy fucking goats.
I understand perfectly what autosage is, but the thread is still there. Who cares if it fucking gets bumped? All that means is more idiots (who aren't familiar with the true spirit of the DQN) will fuck it up.
>>16 is a troll.
>>17 doesn't want the original thread to get to 2000.
>>1-1000000 is DQN
>>21 is praising instead of insulting.
>>23 is tedium.
>>24 is trying to kill this thread with boring replies. Seems like it's working too.
>>25 likes beating small dead horses.
>>27 pretends to be a horse with all of his horse-friends on the internet.
is a hillybilly hick like cletus the slack jawed yockel from the simpsons
>>31 still watches the simpsons
>>36 is an all-around great person with no flaws whatsoever.
>>38 doesn't realize that sarcasm on the internet is a fucking impossibility.
Pitiful >>39 hasn't heard of Netiquette.
>>45 is full of AIDS too. It's contagious.
>>47 is the scientist who injected the monkey.
48 is the monkey
>>49 is the pharmaceutical sponsor of the scientist.
>>50 is head of the Zaibatsu that owns pharmaceutical company, as well as several media companies which continuously pump out propaganda to cloud the true nature of AIDS. Said corporation chiefly produces pollution, emos, bad Chuck Norris jokes, and profit off the suffering of us, the citizens of the Internets.
>>52 is a valet of the Illuminati which runs the World Bank which funded the pharmaceutical company which hired the scientist who shot the monkey.
>>53 doesn't know why the scientist shot the monkey. Perhaps he'll die.
>>55 shot Kurt Cobain
>>61 is a Captain Obvious
>>65 had a big package, but it was damaged in-transit.
>>66 damaged the package while working for UPS.
Logic never fails me! >>69 then proceeded to eat the delicoius burger!
>>78 will be the first up against the wall, come the Revolution.
>>93 is breaking the law for annoying someone anonymously over the Internet.
>>94 doesn't care about the Constitution.
>>101 assigns a special significance to the number 01100100 for some reason.
Dials phone numbers in binary and wonders why they don't connect.
>>105 wants to be a Briton, probably because they fuck better than his mom down there.
>>107's jokes are shit, and he's well aware of it, but continues to post them.
is marrying Gluttony from fullmetal alchemist, and makes out with him all day long because he likes that kinda thing
>>113 likes loli guro
114 is a white, male Mana cosplayer
>>115 is greater-than-symbol-challenged
116 is << a man, so he does not deserve >> symbols.
>>117 is not capable of following convention, and is thus shunned by it's peers
>>121 sees dead people.
>>123, dead at 20
I just heard some sad news on talk radio - 4-ch poster >>123 was found dead in his Maine home this morning. There weren't any more details. I'm sure everyone in the 4-ch community will miss him - even if you didn't enjoy his work, there's no denying his contributions to 4-ch culture. Truly an American icon.
>>124 is a pretentious asshole.
>>125 has a short attention span and gets all "tl;dr" whenever someone posts a message more than a sentence long
>>126 thinks he's 4-ch's conscience, even though he's just DQN-er.
>>127 thinks he's God's conscience, even though he's just Jesus.
>>129 is Friedrich Engels.
Fucking see see see combo breaker. i'm tired of fucking up this thread. die thread die.
>>141 thinks that's a bad thing.
>>142 is vipper
see >>136
>>145 is a fucking idiot in every thread.
>>148 panics and retorts whenever he thinks he heard "ball-licker".
>>150 tries, but canLt get past the first level.
>>152 thinks Chip's Challenge was an arcade game
Once asked why "Computer" was not a flavor of chip.
Can't come up with anything original so he quoted the first words he ever heard from his mother "I wish he thought of that(the condom) first."
>>157 wasn't even there.
>>158 still isn't all the way "there", if you catch my drift.
Nobody ever gets >>159's drifts, no matter how much he winks or nudges.
@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ | |
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>>161 relies on shitty kopipe because he can't think for himself.
>>162 is too insecure to use shitty kopipe because he feels a need to prove he can think for himself.
When >>163 hears the word 'culture,' he reaches for his gun.
>>166 fucks sentence fragments in the ass.
>>167 is an uncouth boor.
>>170 writes them in script format and hopes for it to some day be made into a movie.
>>171 derived time travel and wormhole theory just to facilitate seven of nine, deanna troy and those other bimbo's in one scene of his lousy scripts.
>>175 rhymes all the time, it should be a crime, how about you STFU and deepthroat a lime!
>>179 thinks Soviet Russia jokes were funny the first thousand times he heard them, so why not another.
>>180 only thinks that in Soviet Russia.
>>185 NO U
>>186 likes to point his finger at his mothers hard phallus.
is so retarded, he can't think of anything even slightly original to say.
>>189 made this post from his hotel room at FurCon
>>192 attempts to supress his furry tendencies - not always successfully.
>>199 is gay.
>>200 is a homophobe
>>208 is so outdated, he still says "I KISS YOU!"
cmboo breaekr.
>>210-211 are DQN.
On the other hand, >>215 received his AIDS during a one-night stand with a sperm whale.
>>217 thinks making DQN forced registration is a bad idea.
>>220 paid :10bux: before he found out that it was free.
donated to 4chan after Moot sold out
>>224 will admit to knowing what 4chan is
if >>225 knew what 4chan was, he'd love it and be a total /b/tard
>>225 donated in hopes that Gary Niger would come forth and feed him the Holy Gay Nigger Seed from a vial he keeps in a small pocket in his well-ironed suit.
>>227's brain should be donated to science.
>>228 donated his brain to science, and they gave it back.
>>229 sold his brain to science because he needed the money to buy drugs.
>>230 couldn't complete the drug transaction, though he lives in a bad village.
>>231 failed to sage
>>234 saged a sager in Sageland at Sageville near Sage River with his sidekick Sagedude the Archsager of the Saging Institution
>>235 has a limited vocabulary.
>>236 posted in the "ITT we post in this thread" thread. 3 times.
>>238 confuses ethnicity with alcohol, thereby proving what a retard he is.
>>239 confuses women with floor lamps when under the influence of alcohol
>>244 always watches out for incorrect verb forms that have snuck into the language.
>>245 watches these people from the shadows.
>>247 is a nerd who thinks he's TOO GOOD for Star Trek.
>>250 thinks rebelling against mods is new and cool
>>252 think that hip is new and cool
>>257 goes to the local Starbucks every morning.
>>266 is a humuhumunukunukuapuaa.
>>271 eats the paste
>>274 is a drama queen who constantly claims to be leaving /dqn/, then comes back 30 minutes later.
>>275 is .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
>>276 just COULDN'T use the goddamn space key.
>>277 actually gives a damn.
>>278 thinks saying "damn" makes him cool.
>>282 thinks this is ITT we insult the poster below us
>>281 NO, U
fucked up big time
>>284 couldn't get it up.
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@@@@@,,,___,¤¤,¤,¤,¤@@ @ @ @ MPM‚Œ@|@@@@@@ ^PPPPPPPPPP
@@@ @ @ @ @ @ ~`^/WwNÞR@/@ |@@@@@@|@>>285 is made of chocolate!
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>>287 is too tied up in concepts to understand the real world
>>290 fails to account for relativity
>>293 can't dance and if he can't dance he's no friend of mine.
>>294 is not being safe with the Safety Dance.
>>296 is an affront to kind people everywhere.
>>304 fails to understand that freedom is an absolute which cannot meaningfully be attained. For his quote, he is an inept flatfish boasting vaguely understood themes from mediocre romanticists, ie. 304 is member of the NRA
>>307 is a damn baka
>>309 is a bandwagon whore
>>310 bribed a mod to post here
>>310 is a faggot.
>>313 fails this thread miserably
>>314 brings misery to this failed thread
>>315 wrote the chorus to DQN song 3.
>>320 is not a meme.
>>328 stopped halfway through his genderchange operations six years ago.
>>333 got a cool number but couldn't even mention it in his worthless post
>>336 thinks he is cool for getting a joke
Is more TANASINN than 74.5% of the threads in The Forbidden Garden of DQN
>>339 æˆæˆæˆæˆ
>>340 is convinced that putting tanasinn dots in a post is hilarious
>>341 has a point,but not a big one. He also has a point between his legs, even smaller.
Still haven't grasped the wonders of Homosexuality
>>345 is a straight heterosexual faggot.
>>346 is a complete pain in the ass.
>>348 was never sure about his sexuality, which is why he is 27 years old and still virgin.
>>349 has no excuse for being a 27 year old virgin.
>>352 posts about his sexual fantasies on the INTERNET because he has no sex life
>>360 thinks Bush actually means all that talk about "freedom."
>>363 likes Mini Moni
>>364 is Mini Moni
>>365 wanked it to Mini Moni once and still feels ashamed.
>>367 owns weapons of mass destruction and has ties with Al-Qaeda
>>368 draws prophet muhammed
>>369 failed the physical for suicide bomber corps
>>370 didn't want to be a suicide bomber because Linkin Park's lyrics are unclear on that topic.
>>373 doesn't enjoy the music he listens to, since he's an elitist who only listen to music that makes him cool.
>>374 masturbates to american idol.
>>377 thinks that nationality says something about personality
>>378 thinks personality development is completely unaffected by the surrounding socio-cultural framework.
>>379 thinks he will sound smart by copy-pasting from Wikipedia
>>380 thinks he will enhance Wikipedia by copy-pasting to Wikipedia.
>>381 thinks wikipedia is the best thing since google internet accelerator
>>382 thinks Alexa rankings are an accurate, unbiased way to measure the popularity of websites.
>>383 loves to tell everybody that he used Firefox before it was cool
>>384 still uses Firefox even though it is no longer cool.
>>385 pretends to like using IE5 for Mac, but only does it because Safari is too slow on his old computer
>>390 sucks
sʞɔns Ɛ6Ɛ<<
>>397 sung on all 4 'All Alone for Christmas (as usual)' songs
>>401 failed 400GET by one post
>>403 isn't eating enough because he spends his entire welfare check on games and DVDs.
>>405 Method Not Allowed
>>406 Not Acceptable
>>410 Gone
>>405-411 are a bunch of nerds
>>412 is too much into the whole Net Cop thing to be any fun.
>>413 has been reported to the AOL police for trolling DQN, as it is a crime.
>>414 is actually a bot programmed to repost old 4chan catchphrases
>>419 uses Windows XP with the My First Windows™ theme.
>>422 never really liked macs but bought one anyway to impress his elitist fag friends.
>>424 is so bland and unoriginal, his parents forgot about his existance once!
>>427 is not a registered member of becauseitswinter.com.
I agree with >>444, though adding that there are no women in his life now, and haven't been ever.
>>446 is a rude boy from Omaha, Nebraska, sick as a porno flick but gold as precious laughter.
>>447 is full of sound and fury, and signifies nothing. I hate that fucker.
>>449 thinks that was an insult
>>450 is a sad unfunny pedophile wanker bastard twit
>>451 is a joyful and amusing pedophile wanker bastard twit
>>452 is a Generic and uninteresting pedophile wanker bastard twit
>>453 is the kind of pedophile that googles "hentai" and saves every thumbnai.
>>454 owns 24TB of storage in a RAID 1 array, rents a T1 pipe, and cron
ed 400Kb of shell scripts over 4 servers to download all the porn he can.
>>455 is a geek who knows all the technical jargon like "cron", "RAID", and "script."
>>458 doesn't know that cool trools call it "GNAA/Lunix"
>>460 doesn't know that cool trolls no longer reproduce quoted spelling mistakes
>>463 thinks that trolling is the ultimate form of comedy
>>464 didn't realize he was posting that in a thread entitled "ITT we insult the poster above us"
>>465 knows that trolling is the ultimate form of comedy
>>467's flamboyance knows no bounds.
>>471 knows Panda.
>>474 recited a stupid meme without even thinking about it.
>>475 is a Panda
>>476 Pa Pa Panda! I don't get the meme but here I am doing it anyway
>>478 likes to take it from horny pandas
>>482 thinks but doesn't feel
>>483's ass feels for him, whereas his brain thinks shit
>>486 wanks while looking at a pic of Kim Jong-il. And then he cuts off Kim's head, glues it on a super model's head and wanks again.
>>487 fell in a vat of disfiguring liquid and has to wear a mask everywhere
>>488 has to wear a mask everywhere, even though he didn't fall in a vat of disfiguring liquid
>>489 wears sunglasses and pretends he was never Char Aznable while making fun of people who wear masks.
Jappafag wap with no life outside of the internet and childrens cartoons
>>496 is from 4chan
>>498 is from wakachan
>>499 is from gurochan
>>502 came from VIP wwwwwwwwwwwww
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>>504 is a spammer and will soon be dealt with accordingly
You cannot understand what is said.
i am spammer!!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ vymyvwymyvymyvyA
@@@@/_QQ_^R@@@/_QQQ /_QQ_^R@^R@/_QQ^R
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. @ |@@ M-=Æ=- '@.:::::::|@@ M-=Æ= |@@ M-=Æ=- '@.:::::::|Æ=|@@ M-=Æ=- '@.:::::::|
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@@@^M[]--]]\L_ ^M[]- @^M[]--]]\L_-]] ^M[]--]]\L_
>>519 doesn't understand the concept of "the poster above us".
>>516 is a bastard for being a tripfag and deleting his post
Tries to hide his own weaknesess by projecting them onto others.
>>528 is so pitiful that i even forgot about him/her/it
>>531 is a trend whore.
>>533 uses electric eels. Or at least that's what he calls them.
>>535 calls them his only friends.
>>543 participated in the daily bump thread
>>545 dresses up like sailor moon, to create his own niche market within prostitution. The outfit is perfect, but the bare hairy legs ruin his business.
>>548 wanked to Ochaken and then told everyone about it.
Tatoo'd a pile of crap to his chest because he couldn't get somebody to put the real thing there.
>>554 tattoo'd "555get" on his chest even though he jumped the gun.
>>557 contributed the line "under the moon loli to issho" in that song
by using a nickname, >>562 is one step away from being a tripfag
>>565 sucks donkeydick for replying to texts written by illusions
>>570 watches inuyasha every night and kisses the tv when inuyasha appears onscreen
>>571 imitates the exclamations of some girl being gently taken by 'oniisan, please be gentle with me....haaaa!' records them and faps to them
>>573 fursectued me, I will write to his ISP to have his Internet revoked
>>574 gets kicks when yelling at 5-year-olds for nothing.
>>577 is an aborted fetus
>>579's mother and father tried to abort him but failed
>>580 's parents would have aborted him if they'd known he was going to grow up to be a furry who kicks five year olds when he thinks they've fursecuted him
>>582 is !YsP554yc3s
>>583 is a kotepho who thinks there's anything wrong with having an identity.
>>584 is a dirty tripfag
>>585 is a tripcoder rapist
>>586 couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.
>>587 couldn't rape his way into a vagina the size of a hallway.
>>588 couldn't pound his way into a cake.
>>589 got severely burned when trying to pound an pie
>>591 likes corn in orfices made for the sole purpose of removing eaten corn
>>592 likes corn flakes in his nose.
>>595 understood the "I like corn" joke, and is probably a sick individual
>>599 got a degree in English so he could insult people over the internet
>>607 is Captain Obvious
>>609 can only dream of becoming NEET, the cream of society
IANAL, TINLA, but what >>609 is doing is illegal and it needs to stop. Right now.
You fucked up this thread :(
Actually it was cloudberries...
>>614 can't even begin to understand the way of the DQN.
>>616, too.
Is the guy in the vid:
>>618 is from /b/
>>622 is Captain Obvious again
>>623 needs to stop being redundant and think of new insults
>>632 needs a dose of fresh air and a knife in the throat
>>633 needs to quit being redundant and stop using unnecessary and uncalled-for repetition
>>640 made a $540 joke in the wrong post number
>>642 is one of the programmers who helped design Sony's XDCP rootkit
>>646 pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
>>648 pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
>>651 is a jisaku jien in the dark of night
what what what
>>652 always sings DQN song #2 at karaoke
>>654 fills me with inertia.
>>659 was banned from 4chan for posting with moot's tripcode. And he didn't know it was moot's tripcode.
>>660 subscribes to a magazine about the private life of popular tripfags
>>661 writes for it.
>>667 is Grimus the WRITTER
>Sorry. You need to Join WritersNet and activate your account to post a message.
It's quick, easy and free. All we need is a valid email address and the name you wish to use here .
>>673 is a hobbit
>>675 is like Santa Claus except he gives children AIDS instead of presents.
>>677 still believes in Satan ....lame
>>680 is British.
>>681 failed to inspire ANYONE to post in this thread.
>>682 had nothing better to do but post anyway
>>684 is DQN.
>>687 carries out horrible experiments on hobos and tortures little kitties
>>690 made the text blinking, that asshole
>>694 puts his dick in the mashed potatos, but still gets invited to parties
>>696 allways displays his best party trick, which is naming all the flavours of Jelly Bellies in reverse alphabetical order at the top of his lungs.
>>700 uses same old jokes... same old.
>>702 is estimating the time until 1000 comes up so he can be in front of his computer hitting the refresh button on his browser.
>>704 Likes to go into children cancer centers and shine the heads of bald little boys!
South Korean was drawing South Korean national flag on this site!
Lets change this fucking picture into Pepsi logo!
I want you to cooperate in 4ch!
http://www.vipper.net/vip17845.jpg (Situation a little while ago
http://www.vipper.org/vip208109.jpg (The final purpose)
>>707 is a slacker, and needs to help out with this effort!
Let's just forget about those two morons above
>>709 forgot that anonymous never forgives or forgets
>>710 forgave once. She drained his wallet and his soul. Never again.
>>711 drained my wallet and my soul.
>>714 sniped it at the three seconds, then ate it with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
>>715 doesn't know that liver, fava beans, and wine all contain a substance called tyramine, which can kill you if you're talking a certain class of antidepressant drugs.
This knowlege is very important to >>716, though, as he is on many antidepressants.
>>719 can't tell the difference between "obvious" and "oblivious"
>>721 has his mother's red lipstick between his asscheeks.
>>722 knows that because he was devastated to find traces of someone elses lips than his there.
>>724 is a big fan of the Beloved Chairman!
>>725 Has an autographed copy of the Little Red Book.
>>726 forged Mao's autrograph on his copy of the Little Red Book
>>728 thinks that a joke about "yellow" and "asians" is witty
>>729 is wapanese, thinking he's an asian born in a non-asian body.
>>731 Thinks that /b/ catchphrases are funny outside of /b/.
>>733 thinks /b/ is funny in general
>>735 spends hours studying the hilarious internet trends to stay up to date with /b/ memes
>>736 doesn't know that his photo ended up to be insane.jpg
>>738 jerked to delayclose.jpg
Those last three schmucks are all in the picture. Let's rip it up and their 2dimensional asses with it
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>>753 is so ill equiped, he needs a strap-on to get some reaction from that faking, cheap illegal hooker he picks up whenever he's saved enough dimes.
>>755 is a nerd who's too timid to appreciate lewd jokess.
Different people.
>>758 just HAD to post at 18:00 sharp, stupid bastard
>>764 has an unhealthy obsession with tripcodes and usernames.
>>766 thinks the other side of the moon is vagina shaped
>>769's only meaning in life is to rape mittens. And occasionally kittens.
>>770 is a sock puppet, which is nothing more than a thumbless mitten.
>>777 offered to videotape it and put it on his fetish porn website
>>778 made a movie of it using still pictures taken by a hidden camera and put it on his personal website without asking for permission
>>781 waited in line up to 31 hours to see some of the Star Wars movies
>>782 Is still trying to sell copies of Ep III he recorded in the theatre with his thumb over the camcorder lense!
>>787 tried to emulate yoda's success, and actually became a green furry pygmee suffering from severe speaking disorder. Then he found out that yoda is actually just popular with guys.
>>791 plays the reindeer on Christmases.
>>800 cares about get-ing.
>>802 is wasting posts with his useless nonsense and we've got less than 200 of them left! orz
>>803 is a perfect example of why this thread is unredeemably shitty.
>>808's mother was a panda
>>813 is unable to appreciate the humour in brutal sodomy
>>814 has an unhealthy fascination with brutal sodomy
>>817 bought a second crappy guitar from the same girl who tricked him the first time round.
>>819 is so bland it is virtually impossible to insult him
>>821 is so forgettable people often act as if he didn't exist.
>>831 is NihiLOLanthic
>>833 NO U
>>836 likes it in the ear
>>838 likes feeling superior because he can name-drop all the tripfags
>>838 is a panda.
vip kara kimasuta
>>841 came from VIP.
>>846 invented a dimensional displacement field just in order to perform the peculiar act of personally sodomizing himself
>>847 is the fag who brought the original back.
>>851 is shunned by all his formers friends because he's too disgusting to have around.
>>861 is so bereft of imagination that he couldn't come up with a better name than Poobag McButterhole.
871 is a freak we can just ignore
>>870 pretends to speak arabic
>>872 shut himself in the basement in fear of terrorists
>>873 Likes to wrap a towel around his head and insist every1 call him "omar de la cheik, head of al-quaeda"
>>878 found Ebichu sexually arousing
>>883 is too dumb to play ashort
>>886 bought a fleshlight and then didn't know which end to use.
Thinks he is making the world a better place, when in fact he is part of the problem.
895 is a freak we can just ignore
>>894 tried to sail on a raft of the dead, but it sank
>>899 isn't cool enough to 900GET
>>900's mind is too simple to get pleasure from anything more intellectually advanced than a lousy "900GET".
>>904 had sex in a panda fursuit. Now he and that other moron can't find the zipper to get out
>>906 is bitter because they didn't let him join them.
>>906 was the girl who wore a dildo with a camera inside
dAiLy SaGE
>>910 saged.
>>911 wouldn't lift a finger to help someone in distress.
>>912 would kick the guy who is down - twice!
>>917 likes to spout Japanese phrases he doesn't even understand
>>918 thinks there is culture in Japan, when actually he is talking about the symptoms of severe hereditary personality disorders in about 120mln island-dwellers.
>>919 thought this was the "ITT we insult Japan" thread
>>920 would call truth insult. And his dick is Japanese sized
>>922 still doesn't understand how the indefinite article works.
>>925 doesn't know the right prepositions (at...), therefore id a /b/tard
>>926 totally failed at that post in many ways
>>928 thinks that his idiotic DAILY SAGE crusade is really having an effect on the thread
>>929 brought the downfall of his own prediction! Such a shame, in one so young.
>>931 wouldn't even have a brain if he didn't happen to find his cat's litter box this morning.
>>935 believes sage to be an insult.
>>936 believes he isn't gonna be called a fucking asshole for stating the truth. How stupid!
>>937 is fucking an asshole
>>944 is a retarded dwarf armed with a roll of toilet paper, trying desperately to keep the future from happening.
>>945 didn't realize he was describing wahabbist terrorists instead of the daily sage idiot.
>>947 tried to have sex once, but he got tired of digging into the grave.
>>957 ends every single joke he makes with "What an idiot!"
>>960 ends every single joke he makes with an exclamation mark
I just sold 2100 square meters of real estate for €10000. The new owner is visiting it right now for a first look. Even though its a little bit secluded, about 35 km directly north of the North Pole, I am certain he will love it there. So everyone, lets hear an applause for >>963's new aquisition!
>>964 is an idiot that thinks something can be north of the North Pole
>>966 just wants to belong, so he always pretend to understand every joke.
daily sage
>>981 thinks drinking water is the manly thing to do
>>984 had too much Absolut to aim at the right poster.
>>188's mother isn;t even here yet
>>999's mother isn;t even here yet
DAILY SAFE no sage
>>992 is a replacement
>>992 doesn't know what the fuck.
daily sage
>>997 wasn't faggy enough to post that three more times.