dqn isn't as funny as vip because 4-ch users are too polite :( (53)

27 Name: NotTripcodeAnymore!PYZX54X2L. : 1993-09-4675 10:24

My good sir, I am afraid I must correct you. We were at DQN are NOT as polite and self-affacing as you make us out to be. Some of us can be downright boorish, and many of us will make untoward commentaries regarding religion and/or sexual activities WITHOUT proper authority. In many cases, these jokes come with NO warning at all. Therefore, I must humbly request that you do NOT portray us as overly polite people. Should you continue down that road, I will be forced to give you another sound verbal thrashing. One that is perhaps even more devastating than this one. Thank you.

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