ITT we use DQN as a blog (64)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 21:38 [no]


2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 21:46 [no]

„¢( L~`)„¡ how do I wrote blog

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 22:00 [no]


I forgot to write in yesterday's about how on Monday, that is yesterday, when Andrew asked me and four others to the hall to perform "Tube," someone asked what it was about. Being sleepy and sharp of wit, I said, "Just read it, it's just some stupid thing." Andrew said with unmistakable offense "It's not stupid!" The word I was looking for was "random," but it's great that I called his choice of poetry stupid without even getting away with it. I quickly added, "No, no, I didn't mean it that way," and was cut off by Andrew proceeding to tell us more about it.

4 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 22:32 [no]

Oh blog, me, babe! Don't miss a word of it!
Many a blog has brought love to my door
Netted by sparkling poem, or flash of wit -
The chatroom kind, of course, and little more.
What need of tangled flesh on messy dates
The weight of expectation as it starts
Its gentle journey southwards, then abates?
The strain of those repeated broken hearts?

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 23:11 [no]


Bah, today I'm too tired to write a blog entry. Tomorrow maybe I'll write something. Nothing really happened today anyway.

6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 23:18 [no]

"I'm I getting glasses! Apparently I have to wear glasses for a few weeks until I can get contacts. I'm so gonna get contacts. I want one red and one purple. That'd be so awesome. Maybe yellow ones too. I look so odd with glasses. This is gonna take some getting used to. Omfg! I finally found another sealed copy of PLC's Frontiers album. Limited edition on top of that! :D I hope I get the Lida figure. I want one. Oooo I just remembered Lida's B-day is monday! Yay! LOL I'm such a fan girl :D I wanted to make him a card but I don't know where to send it ;; Arg damn Gaia. It's distracting me. Again. LOL. I listened to fish dance hour! Le woot! I'm debating wheather or not to downtown early so I can play DDR. Yay! Japanese starts again tonight! I still haven't gotten a job ;; I will by the end of the month. Some how. I'm going to Toronto on saturday. YAY! Fabric Shopping :D LOL I have a million packages in the mail again. Manga supplies, a Game for mike, Shoxx, and now the frontiers CD. I'm now attempting to order the Take Channel Honmake DVDs. I want them so much. Well, I'm off to go do stuff. Ja ne!"


7 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 00:34 [no]

I like night classes. It's kind of nice to be in the building when it isn't so crowded. It reminds me of when I was still in elementary school and parent/teacher conferences came around. Being able to run up and down the halls with the lights turned out - fun!

8 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 01:45 [no]

I hate it when people say "forty euro", or "600 euro". They're correct, of course. That's how Europeans say it. No plural. I don't care. We say "dollars", so therefore "euros". "Forty euro" sounds so trailer park. Like, " You go twenty mile down the highway yonder, and I reckon you'll run right past the new Wal-Mart - right before the new Olive Garden."

9 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 05:25 [no]

Penis. Penis penis vagina, tesicles vas deferens (Douglas pouch). Distended rectum? Crohn's disease gall bladder autoerotic asphyxiation. Bile duct.

10 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 05:33 [no]

That was pretty good, >>6 .

11 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 07:04 [no]


12 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4518 14:18 [no]

So today I finally tried out the laundry room in the new appartment
building. It was pretty exciting! There's a really big washing machine,
the side-loading kind with a window that I've never really used before.
I didn't try sitting next to it and staring into it though.

It's red. Also, it's coin-operated, and wants 7 20-cent coins to work,
which was a bit of a problem since I wasn't prepared for it but I did
manage to gather together the seven coins I needed for it, and it's
churning away as we speak.

It's not all that fast, so that's why I came back up to the appartment
to post this. There's also a big drying room, with some sort of
circulating fan. I'm going to have to try out that too, to see if it'll
really dry the clothes quickly enough.

Actually, I've got a couple of shirts hanging in there which I washed by
hand because they didn't fit in the washing machine, and I didn't have
enough coins to do two runs. Not that I know the first thing about how
to properly hand-wash clothes, but how wrong could that go, anyway? I'm
not too worried.

13 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4519 02:32 [no]

I donft like looking a gift horse in the mouth, but as I take a sip from my company-issued cup of coffee, I have to say it tastes like diluted ashes. Of course, I should be thankful that I even get a free cup. Yet it still tastes like crap, and I still drink it.

My colleagues (and blog buddies) have been more proactive in their approach to ameliorate their coffee experiences. Some bring in their own special flavored coffee cream (and guard it with their lives), and others stop by Dunkinf Donuts on the way in.

Of course, one has to wonder why we are given coffee at all if everyone hates it. After talking to friends who work for other companies that offer coffee, I realize there must be an unwritten code that dictates coffee in the office has to be bad.

14 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4519 02:36 [no]

That was all copy/paste. I shit you not.


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