∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < Much better than Mitsuki and Arika-chan!
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < oh god shana is short
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
/ (二)
(_ _
 ̄> '  ̄  ̄`y-、
/'/ ,:'ト、 ヽ: ヽ.
/'/, 〈 i、 \ ヽ , i i
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|/ |/i/| らフ 'ちフ'l |) | Damn Wakamark
| | | |ゝ'', ─、_''.イ| l |
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// し'7 ̄9\_ノ | |`ト.ヽ.
_/' <_7 ̄フ二〉| | j ヾ.:、
(_て_二Ti | | | j.}
、 ' _
'ノ ノノ _ノノ
`ー ニ二二 ̄__/'  ̄
// :/:::::/::::::.!:::|:::: !::::::::、:::::::::::::::::、::ヽ::::::::ヽ
!|:::/::::::.!:::::::|:::∧::::|、::::::::!.、:::::::::::::ヽ: !:::::::::: !
i:l: ::|:/:::.!::::::ii|_:| ヽ:::!l\:::!'、\::::::::::::!::!::::::::::::.!
. |/l:::.!|, :::ヽ::::l'l:lヽ、ヽ:|l'´ヾr==ミ、:::::::|::|:::::::!::::: !
|::.!l:.!::::::lヽ|,==、 `' ヽ \:|:: !: ::: !::::::.!
l/ `ヽ::|:::l , - 、 ll'::::!.l:::::.!:::::::.!
l`l::.!! l/ ̄ ヽ /.!::::.!:|::::::.!:::::::l
!::::.!.!ヽ ヽ ノ /::::|:::::|::.!:::::.!:::::::.!
.!::::| !::::.` ー 、._ ´ ,/ |::: !:::::|:::l::::::.!:::::::|
|:::::|.!::::.!:::::.!:::::::::`Г l-,|::::.!::::|::::::.!:::::::|
|::::::l':::::.!::::::|:::::_, -/} /:l:::::lー-: !:::::::.!
!::::::|:::::!, .‐' ´.:.:.:!r- 、 /.:.:.:!::::l// /`ヽ:: !
. |::::::|/ ヽヽ.:.:.:.:.:.lィーミ./.:. :.:.:.!:::.!/ / !::.!
. |:::::::! ヽ ヽヽ.:.:.:.ヽ / .:.:/ !::::| / |::::!
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < Invading the Shana thread! Arika-chan banzai!
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < A little piece of hawtness!
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tsundere! Tsundere!
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tsunade oppai! Tsunade oppai!
Oh, wrong thread?
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < oh god shana is HONGRY
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
◯( ´∀` )◯
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ \___/
◯( ´∀` ) ◯( ´∀` )◯ ( ´∀` )○ ( ´∀` ) lll
\ ⊂ ) \ / ( つ / ( つ ⊂ ) .____
/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ _/ __ \_
(_/ \_) (_/ \_) (_/ \_) (_/ \_) (_/ \_)
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < Secret board: http://shanachan.konosutekinabasho.net/sha/index.html !
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
Vote Shana!
Instructions/information: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=692664&postcount=2
To get voting code: http://ime.nu/banana236.maido3.com/~bs5114/a06/
Current voting thread: http://etc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1160842794/l50
Text for Shana: <<シャナ@灼眼のシャナ>>
∧_∧ ┌────────────────────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < I voted Shana-chan!
\ / └────────────────────────────
_/ __ \_
(_/ \_)
Time to vote again!
Current voting thread: http://etc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1161292058/
Come on DQN, help me out!
To get code: http://banana236.maido3.com/~bs5114/a06/
Text for Shana: <<シャナ@灼眼のシャナ>>
likely voting thread: http://etc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1161628049/
(Note: on the codepage, the forth line of text says "本サーバーの現在時刻はxx:xxです"
This is your current time. Refeshing updates this.
The last line on the page before "ATTENTION" says "xx時xx分以降に再びアクセスするとコードを発行します"
This is the time when your code will be generated.
Simply refresh sometime after your time matches the code generation time.
Then, copy&paste your code, a blank line, and the text string for the character you're voting for into the current voting thread.)
I voted Desu, motherfucker.