That board is funny because nearly everyone uses a name on that anonymous board. And usually they never contribute and they use a name!
6037, 8th Plant, Abby, Akiha Tohno!VCv4lMCNi2, Blank!ncnf0ghJtg, Dark Scion, Deathmastery, Demon Eyes, Drakes, Eris, Fei-Yen, GeneralBergfruehling, Gitami, Guest, Gurotic, Heartless_Fiend, Hotaru99, Hotashi!iKShXSFrdo, Htabdoolb, Ivana B., Jyrmeno, Karma, Kayoukai, Ketura, Knight of the Round, Krull !p7zeV5aXsI, Lexxx, Max, MrNuke999, NEVADA, Necromancer, Necrophia, Pelki, PocketFox, Poowrite, PrEyX!PIPGsuJfvg, Pyre, Rem-chan, Samuel, Scaramanga, Shizle, Silver Wolf, Tentationem, TiTaNz, Torn!jL6YaJyz/c, Trance, Xod, YA-Chan, berkley, cLaY, caosleyton, chan109, georgiapeach, haruko!YTVxxKH.bU, initial T, jerry, nanomu, oxymoron_02!XT7o20bN.s, theREALtoraedor, toraedor, waichan!FTGB6L0y1E, weenie
and much more....