DQN the MMORPG (3)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4529 01:36 [no]

Post your character dumps, with or without commentary!

Name: Captain Obvious - Sex: Yes plz
Race: Troll - Class: Dokyun Knight - Level: 100get
Strength: 155 - Agility: 80 - Vitality: 0xFFFFFF [overflow error]
Intellect: -8 - Wisdom: 44 - Charisma: 3

Provoke: Whine 200% - Ultimate Master
Power Word: sage 150% - Grand Master
Specialty: Shitty Threads 140% - Grand Master
Technique: Fapping 100% - Master
Technique: CTRL+C CTRL+V 90% - Master
Power Word: tl;dr 80% - Layman
Provoke: Insulting (Poster Below) 80% - Layman
Hidden Technique: Evade Ban 75% - Layman
Provoke: Insulting (Poster Above) 65% - Journeyman
Hidden Technique: Stealth Post 50% - Apprentice
Specialty: Humor 25% - Neophyte
Technique: STFU 0% - Unskilled

Weapon: Ban Stick of MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 (+5, +5) (1d1+0) Rarest weapon in the game! It doesn't do much damage though.
Helm: Hard Gay Cap (Def 105, -22 Chr)
Face: ( L`) Grandpa Mask (Def 15, +50 Wis, -10 Agility) Picked this up at lvl 22 by ninja looting a raid on Darkpa's Lair. Def is lame but the stat++ is sw33tt!
Shoulders: Generic Anime Villian Shoulder Pads (Def 80, Massive)
Chest: Mecha Monar Breastplate (Def 260, Str +20, Massive)
Belt: NEET MoneyBelt (Def 20, 10000 gil weekly allowance)
Gauntlets: Gloves of Infinite Lubrication (Def 10, +15% Fapping success rate)
Groin: E-Penis Pump (Def 5, +100 Chr) Ineffective
Trousers: Hairy Man Legs (Def 680+100 No Pants Day Bonus) AWESOME!
Boots: Greaves of Resist Unko (Def 75)
Light: Magic Proxy (Def 200, grants Hidden Technique: Evade Ban) sweetness. got it random off a Fuckin' Chink on a rare visit to Threshold of 2chan

Favorite area: LiveJournal Lagoon (Feared by many but paradise for Trolls, we can take everything they dish out)
Least Favorite Area: Wastes of world4ch (Even with Hidden Technique: Evade Ban the exp sucks)
Best kill: Lv. 94 W T Snacks with my guild (after moot fled he was a piece of cake)

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