Take that, Jewish-owned media and Dutch cartoonists!
If Jews run everything, I guess THEY are the master race, what what?
What what what?
>>1 is an idiot
Somehow, Amerikkka still gets blamed because apparently Europe is an Amerikkkan colony.
Because it's winter!
Ok clear, I'm closing this thread.
>>8 is banned for inciting religious asshattery.
>>7 Sure. Blame winter. Blame Cold Miser. Blame Father Frost.
>>5 It's called sarcasm. Please improve your reading comprehension or you'll continue to anger the great DQN Spirit.
Either you didn't get the joke, or you made a very subtle funnay.
To many deep levels of joke is not funny guys....
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @R,b /
@@ @@@ ,. -]]]]-- ¤ ^_``* \
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@@@/@ @ ^ _@@@‚O@ }
@ @ l@@ <BOMB>@@@ @ l
@@ {. @@@_ ^@ @ @@@|
@ @ {@@MOHAMMED@@.}@@@
@@@_ ^PP _ @@,ƒm¡
@@@@/„¯„| |„¬„®_£¡¡@@@
@@@£áEâ áEâ@¥¡
@@@¡@@/@ |@@@@¡¡@@
@@@¡@ ¡¡¡@@ ¡¡
@@@ ¡¡+++++¡¡¡¡@ƒƒAƒbƒ‰[ƒtƒAƒNƒoƒ‹II@
Called him the prophet
sharp like a scimitar!
Even if the 4-ch server room gets suicide-bombed, >>16-19 was totally worth it.
I hate your freedoms and I want you to die!
Because it's Ramadan
strapped a bomb to himself
All Alone for Ramadan (as usual)
I hate your freedoms and I want you to die!
strapped a bomb to himself
Sharp like a scimitar
called him the prophet
>>1 is an infidel
In the dark of the night
dirka dirka dirka?
Sharp like a scimitar
called him the prophet
>>1 is an infidel
I want to smash your buildings and make your people JUMP in the air!
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @R,b /
@@ @@@ ,. -]]]]-- ¤ ^_``* \
@@@@^@@@@@›@ _^@@/ | ˜¤
@@@/@ @ ^ _@@@‚O@ }
@ @ l@@ <BOMB>@@@ @ l
@@ {. @@@_ ^@ @ @@@|
@ @ {@@MOHAMMED@@.}@@@
@@@_ ^PP _ @@,ƒm¡
@@@@/„¯„| |„¬„®_£¡¡@@@
@@@£áEâ áEâ@¥¡
@@@¡@@/@ |@@@@¡¡@@
@@@¡@ ¡¡¡@@ ¡¡
@@@ ¡¡+++++¡¡¡¡@ƒ I approve of this thread!
>>24 wins the Internet.
I meant to do it, but didn't manage to find a good replacement for some lines. GJ!
dirka dirka dirka?
If there is a god, and Mohammed is his prophet, somebody will record >>24!
>>29 is banned for disrespecting another poster's religion.
>>30 (myself) is banned for religious asshattery.
>>32 you are MODD!withtripcode
>>34 is an infidel
>>36 lol