Piro's Ruri porn-- libel, or fact? (564)

336 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 03:11


Yea - I got those two from combing through the archive also, but what's making me obsessive about finding the others is the huge cover-up. I can understand Fred trying to protect his current interests, and I don't care about him being a hypocrite, loli-fan, horrible artist, or any of his life at all... it just drives me nuts to see censorship like this winning.

What bothers me most is that I've seen some of the other images on /b/ before they were deleted by Cortana, 4chan mod as well as forum mod for Megatokyo (also look at Wikipedia:Talk on Fred Gallagher to see how he's been monopolizing information about it). Since I've seen them in a thread on /b/, I know that many others must've copied them as well. Of course, trying to ask around on 4chan is moot, so I've gone to a variety of other places asking.. none of which have yet replied.

I've only been looking for these for a few days, but now seeing all the controversey, I probably won't be able to stop searching until I do find them.

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