Piro's Ruri porn-- libel, or fact? (564)

389 Name: sage : 1993-09-4635 20:53

>> "but after the threat of a lawsuit from Fred, they were removed."

I have no clue where this came from. There was an event when someone copied all of the artwork and designs from Fredart and was soliciting donations. That person did get threatened, but it had nothing to do with blurred.

You are really harsh on corty. His "admits' post was way before the 4chan drama started. Cortana is a big cocktease and very satirical. He (along with a large amount of the mod's) is a typical goon. Not that 4chan knows what that fucking means anymore.

I kind of agree with the Conclusion though. The pics are tame as hell (zomg nipple bumps~), and I wonder why it was such as issue in the first place. But it is more the mods than Fred. Fred barely read the forums cause he got sick of powergrubing assraiders trying to be his kawaii friend~desu. The MTF mod team is pretty much on the "What would fred want us to do?" approach when issues about the comic come up.

Your invasion is weak sauce as a /d/`tard's after a friday night. If you are invading again you might want to concertrate on the 2nd section from the top, "Story Discussions." The average "MegaTokyo Central" forumite cares about the comic and Fred as much as Shii cares for delevoped women.

Might also want to check out #mt-talk on irc.zirc.org

PS: I am still very susprised there are people from #fs here. Do you have a t-shirt? ;)

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