Piro's Ruri porn-- libel, or fact? (564)

467 Name: The Weaver : 1993-09-4698 05:22

Good Gaia you assholes! So what? A guy draws naked women and you consider it porn? I draw naked women and I don't see you carrying out a crusade to ban me. Remember that the Greeks and Romans all had naked people all over it is considered art. Then there's the Impressionists...hell. Do you think that just because someone draws naked women that it will reflect in his their webcomic? How damn shallow can you get? Do you guys crusade against homosexuals too? You probably shoot horses and stomp on puppies too. Why is "busting" Fred so important to you? Grow up.

The Weaver (the_weavers_insanity@yahoo.com)

Try to justify yourselves, if you even can.

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