how do i find mentions of 4-ch on NEWS4VIP and spam them ITT
>>3 You go to news4vip, you CTRL-F '4-ch' on thread list, then you post the URI here. We take care of the rest.
lol, Chinese
I can't spam 2ch, I get a referrer error. :(
( ´_⊃`) Goddamn News4VIP is full of fags and homos.
( ) In the time it took me to find my ASCII art, the
| | | thread had already expired!
Damn those threads die fast
No shit. I've posted new threads that were all the way down to 96 within 10 seconds.
...and somehow they had five or six replies...
VIPPER is different from DQN.
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Haha, .999... = 1 debate, only IN JAPANESE
God I love how math crosses all language and cultural barriers
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,____/ヽ ー== ; >> Uh-huh, and what?
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,____/ヽ ー== ; >> Uh-huh, and what?
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There's nothing to debate. 0.99999999... is equal to 1.
You're new to the internet, aren't you? This argument has been running non-stop since sometime in the eighties, at least.
me too
It isn't equal to one.
1 is it's limit, though.
It is equal to 1. Trivial proof:
1/3 = 0.3333...
1/3 * 3 = 0.3333... * 3
1 = 0.9999...
1/3 = 0.3333...
3/3 = 0.9999...
3/3 = 1
I'm going to track down >>16 and punch him in the face for dragging the BIGGEST INTERNET ARGUMENT EVER in here.
no i think you're wrong.
The biggest and dumbest internet argument ever, where people flat out ignore every sound mathematical proof for some reason. SA might be banhappy elitist circlejerk wankers but they did a good thing when they made this shit bannable.
Is an elitist fag
''';;';';;'';;;,., ザッザッザ・・・
''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,., ザッザッザ・・・
MVvvMvyvMVvvMvyvMVvv、 VIPからきますた
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__,.ヘ /ヽ_ /ヽ__,.ヘ /ヽ__,.ヘ _,.ヘ VIPからきますた
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variable_that_cant_hold_infinit_decimals = 1/3
variable_that_cant_hold_infinit_decimals = variable_that_cant_hold_infinit_decimals * 3
variable_that_cant_hold_infinit_decimals != 1
$ python
Python 2.4.1 (#1, May 27 2005, 18:02:40)
[GCC 3.3.3 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> r=1.0/3.0
>>> r
>>> r*3
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You have made a mistake in the meaning of DQN.
Please study more.
NEWS4VIP is not DQN.
// r''''"""""''' ヽ _|\
l" "'''/ 801 ヽ > 【呪いの801】
\ / , - 、 ,r- 、 ヾ / このAAを見たら死にます。
.| l l .O| |O l | |" コピペしても死にます。
|| l "'-ノ__l-'´ノ | 801商店街で買い物をしても死にます。
| ,, "'" (.__).''' ,, |.|. http://www.kics.gr.jp/kita/801office/calacter.htm
| "'''‐-,---,-‐'''" l
l "'''''" ノ
| /
゚"""" """"゚
This we know. However huge subset of VIPPERS are DQN
VIPPER is not DQN but 'chuboh'.
Neither it nor VIPPER are VIP.
Could you elaborate more on the true meaning of DQN, VIP quality, VIPPERs, NEWS4VIP and chuboh?
chuboh? (´・ω・`)
I also want to know.
chuboh = junior high school kiddies, maybe? Rude kids out of school?
It is roughly suitable.
However, the shade of meaning is different in the Internet though it is suitable in
the meaning at the people.
It might possibly be Japanese thought.
Therefore, it is not easy to explain.
Please remember chuboh is not only a good meaning.
It explains DQN here.
A defective and Pierce (For Japan) violence clothes are sloppy.
The pronunciation in Japan『dokyun』
The shade of meaning is different again from 'NEET' though it is the anti-
>>50 If I understand well, chuboh is a childish state of mind of doing foolish things with enthusiasm, a collective silliness.
DQN is someone more or less alone, someone against the group/society's thinking.
While chuboh is doing dumb stuff within a group, like kids who just left school. They don't have to be kids, they could be 30 or more, but they behave like fresh out-of-school kiddies.
Am I correct?
Thank you for the explainations.