Confess anything that you did today here :
me,....nothing, eat n sleep, eat n sleep, watch porn n sleep
woke up early, took a shower, masturbated, had pancakes for breakfast, sugar-crashed, and went back to bed.
After sitting in this chair for a few hours, my right nut is always soar.
I tried to change pants today, I home my nut doesn't get soar this time. I don't have to high hopes though.
I think it's because my right nut is hanging further down.
ここはVIPの植民地なので日本で会話するんだお( ^ω^)
Because it is a colony of VIP here, I talk in Japan and am nerdy
i had sex with a japanese girl once and she cried out because i was too big for her
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I watched gay bondage porn and read a Harry Potter book. Ordinary, boring day for me that is...
I watched some asian gay porn since I'm bored with the regular kind, and asian guys all look girly so it wasn't really all that gay.
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キタ -----------(°∀°)----------!!
Don't sage posts for the remainder of the day. It just feels good. Like freedom.
I once kept touching my lil cousins privates while washing her.
later that night I masturbated thnking about it.