We can't go to 2ch, yesterday this place was full of 2ch-less Japanese people who made tons of jis shift art in the middle of nonrelevant threads and spoke Japanese which none of us (or 99.96%) don't understand and they just made this place little Yokohama which sounds pathetic and it is because there were sooo many jis shift art thingies and a couple of retards who can only make c=3 and then call it jis shift art which makes me mad I tell you and their threads deserve to be saged because they're so idiotic and they really do and the point of all of this is that as much as I adore Japanese people, their language, their culture, Yukorin, manga, anime, food culture (sushi=yum!!), Korea is still #1 in my heart and soul and that's why all this shift jis art just makes my spin, spin and spin around and what are they even supposed to be for that matter...
Thank you.