WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do NOT open!!!!!!!!!!!!! (11)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 12:51 [no]

If you see a post with a crappy demon like that, then don't open that link! It's a virus link and made my computer crash!

    //   r''''"""""''' ヽ _|\
    l"  "'''/   801   ヽ   >    【呪いの801】
    \ /   , - 、 ,r- 、 ヾ /    このAAを見たら死にます。
      .|   l l .O| |O l |  |"     コピペしても死にます。
      ||   l "'-ノ__l-'´ノ   |     801商店街で買い物をしても死にます。
      |  ,, "'" (.__).'''   ,, |.|.     http://www.kics.gr.jp/kita/801office/calacter.htm
       |  "'''‐-,---,-‐'''" l
       l     "'''''"    ノ
      |           /
    ゚""""          """"゚

2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 13:05 [no]

Will you differ from the virus link?

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 13:06 [no]


4 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 13:25 [no]

Curse of the 801

If you see this AA you will die.
You will die if you copy & paste it.
You will even die if you're shopping in 801th shopping district.

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 13:31 [no]

It is a mascot in a usual shopping street.

6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 14:47 [no]

    //   r''''"""""''' ヽ _|\
    l"  "'''/   801   ヽ   >    【The curse of 801】
    \ /   , - 、 ,r- 、 ヾ /    If you see this AA, you will die.
      .|   l l .O| |O l |  |"     You will die even if you copy-paste it.
      ||   l "'-ノ__l-'´ノ   |     You will die even if you shop at
      |  ,, "'" (.__).'''   ,, |.|.     the 801st shopping district.
       |  "'''‐-,---,-‐'''" l     http://www.kics.gr.jp/kita/801office/calacter.htm
       l     "'''''"    ノ
      |           /
    ゚""""          """"゚

7 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 19:14 [no]

It is not virus link.
It is a homepage of the shopping street.

8 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 19:17 [no]

                 ,.. -─‐- 、               / ヽ/
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   丶. : : : : : . . . : : : : l:-:_:ノ          ̄
    `ー--──-- .._ノ'´

9 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 20:56 [no]

Wow... I never clicked on it, think it was a virus like >>1 said.

So that's where "Yaoi-chan" came from.

10 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4558 22:22 [no]

11 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 12:53 [no]

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