Mórè ónlíné tránslátòr fûn (10)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 12:48

The ejaculation feels so good. As you are penetrating your lover, or your hand or even an animal, your muscles start to tighten up, leaving a tingly senstation. Then BAM MOTHERFUCKER! Your blowing your load all over the bitches face. Or all over your parents pillows. Bush sucks.

射精はとてもよく感じる。あなたの恋人、かあなたの手または動物突き通しているので、あなたの筋肉はきつく締まり始めsenstation をtingly 残す。そしてBAM MOTHERFUCKER! あなたの雌犬の表面をくまなくあなたの負荷を吹くこと。またはあなたの親枕をくまなく。ブッシュは吸う。

As for ejaculation you feel very well. Because your sweetheart, or your hand or the animal it has pierced, your muscle it starts tightening hard, senstation tingly leaves. And BAM MOTHERFUCKER! Blow your load the surface of your female dog without the く ま. Or your parent pillow without the く ま. It inhales the bush.

2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 12:56

Asperger syndrome can involve an intense and obsessive level of focus on things of interest. For example, one person might be obsessed with 1950s professional wrestling, another with national anthems of African dictatorships, another with building models out of matchsticks and another by atending every soccer match their team is playing in even if it mean going truant from schooll or not showing up for work.

Синдром Asperger может включить интенсивный и обсессивнофобический уровень фокуса на вещах интереса. Например, одна персона могла быть преследована с wrestling й9щ0с профессиональный, другое с государственныйа гимн африканских диктатур, другие с моделями здания из matchsticks и другие путем atending каждая спичка soccer их, котор команда играет внутри even if оно середина идя truant от schooll или не показывая вверх для работы.

Syndrome Asperger can include the intensive and obsessive-phobic level of focus on the things of interest. For example, one persona could be presledovana with wrestling 1950s professional, another from gosudarstvennyya the hymn of African dictatorships, others with the models of building from matchsticks and others way atending each match soccer of them, was which command it plays inside even if it middle going truant from schooll or without showing upward for the work.

シンドロームAsperger は興味の事の焦点の集中的な、執拗obsessive-phobic レベルを含むことができる。例えば、1 つの外的人格はアフリカの独裁制、matchsticks から造ることのモデルとの他の賛美歌苦闘する50 年代の専門家とのpresledovana 、gosudarstvennyya からの別のものであることができ、上向きに示さないで他はそれらの各マッチのサッカーをatending 方法どの命令を均一の中でそれ中間の行く無断欠席者schooll からのまたは仕事かのためにするかだった。

Syndrome Asperger centralization of the focus of thing of interest, can include obstinate obsessive-phobic level. For example, one external personality the African dictatorial system, could be another things such as from presledovana and gosudarstvennyya of the model of the thing which makes from matchsticks other praise song the specialist of 50 age which struggles in up did not show and other things were whether it makes because, whether the soccer of those each matches atending methodological which order from the no permission absentee schooll where that center goes in uniformity or work of.

3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 13:00

Stiob salat (english: stiob salad) The Stiob salad is an extra large portion of salad. What characterises a decent Stiob salad?

* 1. Size needs to exceed what is regarded as normal, you pay for a salad - not how much salad you load into your bowl.
* 2. It is most commonly enjoyed in the East section of the Stavanger business/industrial area Forus.Although one might find occasional Stiob salads in the rainy valleys of Bergen (particular near NHH area).
* 3. People who eat Stiob salads are occasionally referred to as "loudspeakers" or "hightalkers".
* 4. After enjoying a Stiob salad, one might find the time to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate.

Stiobsalat(영어: stiob샐러드는)Stiob샐러드 샐러드의 엑스트라 라지 부분 이다. Stiob알맞은가 샐러드가 무엇에 의하여이 성격을 나타내는가?

*1. 크기는 간주되는 것이 정상으로 초과한것을 필요로 한다, 너는 샐러드를 위해 지불한다 - 얼마 샐러드를 너가 너의 사발으로 적재하는 까 아니다.
*2. 그것은Stavanger사업의 동쪽 단면도안에 일반적으로 즐긴다industrial area Forus.누구든개이Bergen(특별한 가까운NHH지역)의 비가 오는 골짜기안에Stiob임시 샐러드를 발견해도.
*3. Stiob샐러드를 먹는 사람은 "확성기" 또는 "hightalkers"으로 임시로 알려진다.
*4. Stiob샐러드를 즐기기다음에, 누구든개은 핫 초콜릿의 컵을 즐기는 시간을 발견한.

Stiobsalat (English: The stiob the salad) the X of the Stiob salad salad sprouts is Ji portion. The Stiob it is proper the salad by what it shows this character?

*1. The size the fact that what is regarded exceeds in the normality in necessity, Hazard pay the salad which it spreads out - you load Ul E salad in your bowl to peel, is not.
*2. It it enjoys generally inside the east profile of the Stavanger enterprise the industrial area Forus. whichWho the dog which it holds the Bergen (it was special, if near NHH area) elegy inside the valley which comes the Stiob temporary salad it discovers.
*3. The Stiob the eater the salad "becomes known as a being temporary with the loudspeaker" or "hightalkers".
*4. The Stiob after enjoying the salad, Who the dog which it holds discovered the hour when it enjoys the cup of Has chocolate.

4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 13:03

The ejaculation feels so good. As you are penetrating your lover, or your hand or even an animal, your muscles start to tighten up, leaving a tingly senstation. Then BAM MOTHERFUCKER! Your blowing your load all over the bitches face. Or all over your parents pillows. Bush sucks.

The ejaculation feels so good. 너가 너의 애인을 관통하고 있다 대로, 또는 너의 손또는 동물, 너의 근육은 위로
바짝 죈것을 시작한다, tinglysenstation을 남겨둠. 그때BAMMOTHERFUCKER! 너의에게 암컷 얼굴전면 너의 짐을 불. 또는 너의 부모 베개전면. 부시는 빨n다.

The ejaculation feels so good. The broad way where you are penetrating your lover, 또는 너의 손또는 동물, Your muscle comfort starts the fact that it tighten scorched, It lets to leave the tinglysenstation. That time BAMMOTHERFUCKER! Your female face general your burden non. Or your parents pillow whole surface. It will blow and it is a n which it will suck.

5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 13:11

ITT we insult the poster above us -- reloaded (809)

ITT 私達は私達の上のポスターを-- 再積載されて侮辱する(809)

ITT we insult -- re-being loaded the poster on us, (809)

私達が-- 再侮辱するITT ポスター私達で荷を積まれる、 (809)

We -- stack the load with ITT poster us who re-are insulted, (809)

私達-- ITT ポスターが付いている負荷を再侮辱される私達積み重ねなさい、 (809)

Us -- re-are insulted us who accumulate the load where the ITT poster has been attached, (809)

私達は-- 再ITT ポスターを添付した負荷を集める私達侮辱される、 (809)

We are insulted -- us who gather the load which attaches the re-ITT poster, (809)

私達は-- 負荷を再ITT ポスターを付ける集める私達侮辱される、 (809)

As for us -- load us who attach the re-ITT poster and gather you are insulted, (809)

私達に関しては-- 再ITT ポスターを付け、侮辱される集める私達に荷を積みなさい、 (809)

-- attach the re-ITT poster in regard to us, you are insulted stack the load in us who are gathered, (809)

-- 私達に関して再ITT ポスターを付けなさい、 負荷侮辱された積み重ね集まる私達のである、 (809)

Attach the re-ITT poster, the accumulation which it is loaded is insulted they are our to get together -- in regard to us, (809)

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 13:17

10: ( ゚ ヮ゚) Who Is the Glamorous Mitten Killer of Hangzhou (7)

10: (か。か。か。) Hangzhou (7) のMitten の魅力的なキラーはであるかだれ

10: (? ? ? ) Is the attractive killer of Mitten of Hangzhou (7) or, who

10: (? ? ? ) Hangzhou (7) のMitten の魅力的なキラーはまたはある、 だれか

10: (? ? ? ) Hangzhou (7) or there is the attractive killer of Mitten, who?

10: (? ? ? ) Hangzhou (7) はまたはそこにMitten の魅力的なキラーである、 だれか。

10: (? ? ? ) Hangzhou (7) or it is the attractive killer of Mitten there, who?

7 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 13:22

20: let's get 1000 by "My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by" (433)

20: あるSqueeks は1000 年を"私の名前によって得よう、この糸はそれらのの残りのようなディックをwannabe" 1000 年にによって"得るために割り当てる吸う(433)

20: Certain Squeeks 1000 in with "will be able with my name, as for this thread ディック remaining like those wannabe" 1000 "to obtain it allots in order it inhales, (433)

20: あるSqueeks 1000 年はと"私の名前とできる、 この糸に関してはか。か。か。か。それらののように残ったそれを得るwannabe "1000 年" は吸い込む順序で割り当てる、 (433)

20: "It can designate with certain Squeeks 1000 as my name, in regard to this thread? ? ? ? Like those it allots wannabe "1000" which obtains that it remains in the order which sucks, (433)

20: "それは私の名前としてあるSqueeks 1000 と示すことができる この糸に関してか。 ? ? ? それらのようにそれは吸う順序で残ること得るwannabe "1000 年" を割り当てる、 (433)

20: "As for that Squeeks 1000 which is made my name in regard to this thread which can show? ? ? ? Those ways that remaining from the order which inhales allots wannabe "1000" which is obtained, (433)

20: "關於被做我的名字關於這條螺紋可能顯示的那Squeeks 1000? ? ? ? 那些方式, 殘餘從吸入的命令定量被獲得, 的wannabe "1000 年" (433)

20: "about is made my name that Squeeks which possibly demonstrated about this thread 1,000? ? ? ? These ways, Remaining is obtained from the inspiration order quota, Wannabe "in 1000" (433)

8 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 21:46

How do I pronounce this thread's title?

9 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4575 22:48


10 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4912 08:02

secret sage

it prounounce "mo-RAY ohn-LAI-nay trahns-lah-TAW hoon"

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